Kaple sv. Jana

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kaple sv. Jana

Address :

273 79 Libovice, Czechia

Categories :
City : Libovice

273 79 Libovice, Czechia
Fandas on Google

Je to normální kaple.
It's a normal chapel.
Jiri Fort on Google

Pěkná kaplička
Nice chapel
Hana Hájková on Google

Kråsně zrestaurovaný,udržovaný objekt ?
Beautifully restored, well-kept building ?
Martin on Google

Pěkná kaplicka uprostřed prirody ;) dneska i s oslavou ;)
Nice chapel in the middle of nature;) today and with a celebration;)
Jana Kolouchova on Google

Pěkně udržované místo a pouť je zde moc pěkná.
A nicely maintained place and a pilgrimage is very nice here.
jindřich zámecký on Google

Hezká cesta ke kapli. Málo frekventované místo
Nice way to the chapel. Less frequented place
Libor Sklenička on Google

V lese Kejkol u Libovice, kde kdysi bývala živá a rušná hornická osada u sv. Jana, stojí krásně opravená kaplička. Každoročně je zde pořádaná Svatojánská pouť.
In the forest of Kejkol u Libovice, where once lived a lively and busy mining settlement near St. Jana, there is a beautifully repaired chapel. There is a St. John's Fair every year.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Severně nad Libovicí při cestě do Kvílice stojí jediná připomínka bývalé osady Svatý Jan. Kapli zde nechal postavit František Bayer, majitel zdejších dolů a hospodářské usedlosti, na památku záchrany svého malého syna Eduarda, který v těchto místech spadl do zatopené štoly a nijak si neublížil. Kaplička se stala poutním místem s tradiční svatojánskou poutí, po ní byla pojmenována i celá zdejší osada. Jedná se o pseudorománskou stavbu, uvnitř s kamennou sochou sv. Jana Nepomuckého od sochaře F. Hollana. V letech 1992-1995 byla kaple zrekonstruována z iniciativy mysliveckého sdružení. Opět se u ní v červnu konají poutě. North of Libovice on the way to Kvílice is the only reminder of the former settlement of St. John. The chapel was built here by František Bayer, the owner of the local mines and farmhouse, in memory of the rescue of his little son, Eduard, who fell into a flooded gallery in these places and did not hurt himself at all. The chapel became a place of pilgrimage with the traditional St. Wenceslas pilgrimage and the village was also named after it. It is a pseudo-Roman building, inside with a stone statue of St. Jan Nepomucký from sculptor F. Hollan. In the years 1992-1995 the chapel was reconstructed on the initiative of local hunting association. Again, pilgrimages take place here in June.
North of Libovica on the way to Kvílice is the only reminder of the former settlement of Svatý Jan. The chapel was built here by František Bayer, the owner of the local mines and farmsteads, in memory of the rescue of his little son Eduard, who fell into the flooded gallery in these places and did no harm. The chapel became a place of pilgrimage with a traditional Midsummer pilgrimage, after which the whole local settlement was named. It is a pseudo-Romanesque building, inside with a stone statue of St. Jan Nepomucký by sculptor F. Hollan. In the years 1992-1995, the chapel was reconstructed on the initiative of a hunting association. Pilgrimages take place with her again in June. North of Libovice on the way to Kvílice is the only reminder of the former settlement of St. John. The chapel was built here by František Bayer, the owner of the local mines and farmhouse, in memory of the rescue of his little son, Eduard, who fell into a flooded gallery in these places and did not hurt himself at all. The chapel became a place of pilgrimage with the traditional St. Wenceslas pilgrimage and the village was also named after it. It is a pseudo-Roman building, inside with a stone statue of St. Jan Nepomucký from sculptor F. Hollan. In the years 1992-1995 the chapel was reconstructed on the initiative of local hunting association. Again, pilgrimages take place here in June.

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