Kaple sv. Josefa

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Contact Kaple sv. Josefa

Address :

hřbitov, 252 62 Únětice, Czechia

Categories :
City : Únětice

hřbitov, 252 62 Únětice, Czechia
Rudolf Šála on Google

Jakub Kahoun on Google

Lenka on Google

No Name on Google

Kaple se nachází na hřbitově
The chapel is located in the cemetery
Lenka Ladinová on Google

Kaple a hřbitov je v Úněticích.
Chapel and cemetery is in Únětice.
Lubomir Uhlik on Google

Kaple sv. Josefa v Úněticích byla postavena na novém hřbitově, který byl založen v roce 1698 v době moru. Původní hřbitov byl situován u kostela Nanebevzetí Panny Marie. Zvenku pětiboká a uvnitř desetiboká kaple má i kryptu před kaplí, kam byli pochováni i někteří kanovníci kapituly sv. Víta.
Chapel of St. Josef in Únětice was built in a new cemetery, which was founded in 1698 during the plague. The original cemetery was located near the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. The pentagonal chapel on the outside and the decagonal chapel on the inside also have a crypt in front of the chapel, where some canons of the chapter of St. Welcome.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Únětice jsou historicky jednou z nejstarších českých osad, o kterých se dochovaly písemné zprávy. Okolí bylo osídleno už ve starší době bronzové (1900-1500 před naším letopočtem). První písemná zmínka o vsi pochází z roku 1125. Stavebně jednoduchá pětiboká hřbitovní kaple místního hřbitova vznikla až daleko později - někdy koncem 17. století. Uvnitř by měl být zavěšen obraz sv. Václava s vyobrazením kaple z konce tohoto století. Objekt prošel rekonstrukcí v letech 1783 a 1976 a je památkově chráněn od roku 1958. Únětice village is historically one of the oldest Czech settlements, about which written reports have been preserved. The area was inhabited as early as the Bronze Age (1900-1500 BC). The first written mention of the village dates from 1125. The simple pentagonal cemetery chapel of the local cemetery was built much later - sometime in the late 17th century. Inside should be hung a picture of St. Wenceslas with a depiction of a chapel from the end of the that century. The building was renovated in 1783 and 1976 and has been a protected monument since 1958.
Únětice is historically one of the oldest Czech settlements, about which written reports have been preserved. The area was inhabited as early as the Bronze Age (1900-1500 BC). The first written mention of the village dates from 1125. The simple pentagonal cemetery chapel of the local cemetery was built much later - sometime in the late 17th century. Inside should be hung a picture of St. Wenceslas with a depiction of a chapel from the end of this century. The building was renovated in 1783 and 1976 and has been a protected monument since 1958. Únětice village is historically one of the oldest Czech settlements, about which written reports have been preserved. The area was inhabited as early as the Bronze Age (1900-1500 BC). The first written mention of the village dates from 1125. The simple pentagonal cemetery chapel of the local cemetery was built much later - sometime in the late 17th century. Inside should be hung a picture of St. Wenceslas with a depiction of a chapel from the end of the century. The building has been renovated in 1783 and 1976 and has been a protected monument since 1958.

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