Kaplička Růžová

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kaplička Růžová

Address :

Unnamed Road, 405 02 Růžová, Czechia

Opening hours :
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Categories :
City : Růžová

Unnamed Road, 405 02 Růžová, Czechia
René Vašek on Google

Premysal on Google

Lucie Červinková on Google

Krásná kaplička.
Beautiful chapel.
Lobo Radek on Google

Zajímá rozhledna.
Interesting tower.
Jiri Novak on Google

Hezká a udržovaná kaplička na cestĕ k rozhlednĕ.
Pretty and well kept chapel on the way to the lookout tower.
Šárka Česáková on Google

Krásné místo k zamyšlení...
Beautiful place to think ...
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Homole Pastevního vrchu nad východním okraji Růžové v nadmořské výšce 405 metrů byla v minulosti odlesněna pastvou dobytka. Odtud název zavedený po roce 1945. Daleké výhledy, které poskytoval, umožnily jeho využití k ostraze celého kraje. Naposledy zde strážní službu konali rakouští vojáci v zimě 1806–07, německý název kopce je Hutberg – Strážní vrch. Pokud příjdete navštívit rozhlednu Růženku, zastavte se na chvíli i u skromné ale krásné výklenkové kaple se sochou panny Marie stojící u odbočky na samotný Pastevní vrch. Co ještě umocňovalo výsledný dojem, byla skutečnost, že i přes zamračený den mimo sezónu všechny svíce v kahanech hořely. Za mně plný počet. The cone of the Pasture Hill above the eastern edge of Růžová village at an altitude of 405 meters was deforested in the past by cattle grazing. From there the name was derived after 1945. The far-flung prospects it provided allowed it to be used to guard the whole region. The last time the guard service was carried out by Austrian soldiers in winter 1806-07, the German name of the hill is Hutberg - the Watch hill. If you come to visit the Růženka watch tower, stop for a while at the modest but beautiful niche chapel with the statue of Virgin Mary standing at the turn of the Pastevní hill. What made the final impression even stronger was the fact that, despite the frosty day off season, all the candles in the burners were burning. For me the full number.
The loaf of Pastevní vrch above the eastern edge of Růžová at an altitude of 405 meters was deforested in the past by cattle grazing. Hence the name introduced after 1945. The distant views it provided allowed its use to guard the entire region. The last guard service was performed here by Austrian soldiers in the winter of 1806–07, the German name of the hill is Hutberg - Strážní vrch. If you come to visit the Růženka lookout tower, stop for a moment at the modest but beautiful alcove chapel with a statue of the Virgin Mary standing at the turnoff to Pastevní vrch itself. What further enhanced the final impression was the fact that, despite a cloudy day out of season, all the candles in the torches burned. The full number for me. The cone of the Pasture Hill above the eastern edge of Růžová village at an altitude of 405 meters was deforested in the past by cattle grazing. From there the name was derived after 1945. The far-flung prospects it provided allowed it to be used to guard the whole region. The last time the guard service was carried out by Austrian soldiers in winter 1806-07, the German name of the hill is Hutberg - the Watch hill. If you come to visit the Růženka watch tower, stop for a while at the modest but beautiful niche chapel with the statue of Virgin Mary standing at the turn of the Pastevní hill. What made the final impression even stronger was the fact that, despite the frosty day off season, all the candles in the burners were burning. For me the full number.
Petr Honsnejman on Google

Skromná, ale o to krásnější výklenková kaple se sochou Panny Marie. Kaplička se nachází na křižovatce dvou turistických cest - zelené naučené stezky Růžová a červené Pastevní-Petřínské-Ovocné stezky. Nachází se jen pár minut cesty pod Pastevním vrchem s netradiční vyhlídkovou věží.
A modest, but all the more beautiful alcove chapel with a statue of the Virgin Mary. The chapel is located at the crossroads of two hiking trails - the green learned trails Růžová and the red Pastevní-Petřínské-Ovocné trails. It is located just a few minutes away under Pastevní vrch with an unconventional lookout tower.

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