St. Peter and Paul

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405 02 Růžová, Czechia

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City : Růžová

405 02 Růžová, Czechia
Jiří Kaiser on Google

Tady na Růžový je prostě krásně všude, janom letos tady kopou kanalizaci, takže trošku bordel......
Here on Růžový is just beautiful everywhere, janom here this year digging sewerage, so a little mess ......
Slavomír Jiří Moudrý Dr.h.c on Google

Zamčený katolický kostel.Co kdyby nevěřící nakukoval co dělá farář v zákristii!
A locked Catholic church.
Petr Vaňátko on Google

Byli jsme se podívat v obci Růžová, byli jsme na místní rozhledně a také jsme navštívili místní výrobnu mýdel a různých krémů . Měli tu připravený faj program pro děti , které si tu samy mohly vyrobit mýdlo .
We had a look in the village of Růžová, we were at the local lookout tower and we also visited the local soap factory and various creams. They had a faj program for kids here that could make soap themselves.
Poza Piwnicą on Google

Dobrze zachowany
Well preserved
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Krásný kostel s pohnutým osudem na východním návrší nad centrem obce. V Růžové existovala farnost již ve středověku, poprvé je písemně zmíněná k roku 1352. Od roku 1562 byla farnost protestantská. Kostel sv. Petra a Pavla byl postaven v barokním slohu na místě starší stavby v letech 1710-1712 pod patronací majitele panství France Karla hraběte Clary Aldringen. Dne 9. řijna 1712 byla stavba slavnostně vysvěcena. Dne 1. srpna 1988 kostel zcela vyhořel (zbylo pouze obvodové zdivo) a uvažovalo se o jeho likvidaci. Naštěstí v letech 1990 - 2000 proběhla celková rekonstrukce budovy a kostel byl znovu slavnostně vysvěcen. Vedle kostela se nachází polodřevěná hranolová zvonice ze 16. století, jejíž zvon byl v letech 1408–1791 umístěn v kostele v Praze. I prostor kolem schodiště je krásně vyzdoben. Na vstupní rampě před kostelem najdete sochy apoštolů svatého Josefa, sv. Vojtěcha a sv. Jana Nepomuckého, sochu Panny Marie a kříž u schodiště, na štítě kostela pak sochy apoštolů svatého Petra a Pavla. A beautiful church with a fateful destiny on the eastern hill above the center of the village. There was a parish in Růžová village already in the Middle Ages, first mentioned in writing in 1352. Since 1562, it was the Protestant parish. Church of St. Peter and Paul was built in Baroque style on the site of an earlier building in the years 1710-1712 under the patronage of the owner of the estate of Franc Karel Count Clary Aldringen. On October 9, 1712, the building was consecrated. On August 1, 1988, the church completely burned down (only the perimeter masonry was left) and it´s total destruction was considered. Fortunately a complete reconstruction of the building took place in the years 1990-2000 and the church was consecrated again. Next to the church there is a semicircular prismatic bell tower from the 16th century, whose bell was placed in a church in Prague between years 1408-1791. Also the space around the stairway is beautifully decorated. At the entrance ramp in front of the church you can find statues of apostles St. Joseph, Vojtěch and sv. Jan of Nepomuk, the statue of the Virgin Mary and the cross by the stairs, the statues of the Apostles of St. Peter and Paul are placed on the church shields.
A beautiful church with a troubled destiny on the eastern hill above the village center. There was a parish in Růžová already in the Middle Ages, it was first mentioned in writing in 1352. From 1562 the parish was Protestant. Church of St. Peter and Paul was built in the Baroque style on the site of an older building in the years 1710-1712 under the patronage of the owner of the France estate, Count Clara Aldringen. On October 9, 1712, the building was solemnly consecrated. On August 1, 1988, the church burned down completely (only the perimeter masonry remained) and its liquidation was considered. Fortunately, in the years 1990 - 2000, a complete reconstruction of the building took place and the church was solemnly consecrated again. Next to the church there is a half-wooden prismatic bell tower from the 16th century, the bell of which was placed in the church in Prague in 1408–1791. The area around the stairs is also beautifully decorated. On the entrance ramp in front of the church you will find statues of the apostles St. Joseph, St. Adalbert and St. John of Nepomuk, a statue of the Virgin Mary and a cross by the stairs, on the gable of the church are statues of the apostles St. Peter and Paul. A beautiful church with a fateful destiny on the eastern hill above the center of the village. There was a parish in Růžová village already in the Middle Ages, first mentioned in writing in 1352. Since 1562, it was the Protestant parish. Church of St. Peter and Paul was built in Baroque style on the site of an earlier building in the years 1710-1712 under the patronage of the owner of the estate of Franc Karel Count Clary Aldringen. On October 9, 1712, the building was consecrated. On August 1, 1988, the church completely burned down (only the perimeter masonry was left) and it´s total destruction was considered. Fortunately a complete reconstruction of the building took place in the years 1990-2000 and the church was consecrated again. Next to the church there is a semicircular prismatic bell tower from the 16th century, whose bell was placed in a church in Prague between years 1408-1791. Also the space around the stairway is beautifully decorated. At the entrance ramp in front of the church you can find statues of apostles St. Joseph, Vojtech and St. Jan of Nepomuk, the statue of the Virgin Mary and the cross by the stairs, the statues of the Apostles of St. Peter and Paul are placed on the church shields.
Andrea, Berenika Šnédarová on Google

naše krásné baroko :-D i když to není Jan Blažej, i tak srdce plesá nad krásou a tento je navíc zjevně s láskou opečovávaný místními :-D a hned vedle stařičká zvonice...
our beautiful baroque :-D even though it is not Jan Blažej, the heart still beats over the beauty and this one is also clearly cared for with love by the locals :-D and right next to the old bell tower ...
Jan Herza on Google

Unfortunately not open for public
Alexandr Gerasimov on Google

Very beautiful architecture, Bell ringing is awesome

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