The Goldfinch B&B

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact The Goldfinch B&B

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Růžová 68, 405 02 Růžová, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77987
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City : Růžová

Růžová 68, 405 02 Růžová, Czechia
Markéta Stará on Google

Pension se nachází na klidném místě. V okolí pensionu je možné posedět na čerstvém vzduchu, nebo si zahrát rekreačně badminton. Jeli jsme 2 páry, proto jsme se ubytovali v pokojích 1 a 2, které měly mít společné sociální zařízení. Koupelna se záchodem sice patřila pouze k těmto dvěma pokojům, ale muselo se k ní dostat přes veřejnou chodbu, která vedla k jídelně (údajně restaurace) a vedle se nacházely záchody pro všechny hosty. Jako společné sociální zařízení bychom si spíše představili koupelnu na soukromé chodbě pouze pro tyto dva pokoje. Dále si myslíme, že by majitelé mohli k jídlu v "restauraci" nabízet nějaké malé pokrmy k pivu. Sice se na stránkách píše o jídelním prostoru jako o restauraci, avšak pokud si jídlo den předem neobjednáte, vůbec se nenajíte, proto s tím ve dne příjezdu počítejte. Dále se na stránkách uvádí cena snídaně za 110 korun, tato cena však již neplatí (nyní 125 korun). Ceny večeře jsou celkem vysoké, přílohy si majitelé účtují zvlášť (např. vepřový guláš 145,- + houskový knedlík 4ks za 32,-). Objednanému jídlu není co vytknout, chutná výborně. K pití máme jen jedinou výtku, za džbánek kohoutkové vody zaplatíte 15 korun, což se nám zdá nesmyslné. Ve výsledku však pobyt hodnotíme kladně, pokoje i sociální zařízení byly velmi čisté, majitelé jsou příjemní lidé, kteří se o své hosty starají dobře. Pokud se chystáte na Pravčickou bránu, pension U Stehlíků je skvělým výchozím bodem pro 20 km túru.
The guesthouse is quietly located. In the surroundings of the pension you can sit in the fresh air or play badminton. We drove 2 couples, so we stayed in rooms 1 and 2, which should have shared bathroom facilities. While the bathroom with the toilet belonged only to these two rooms, it had to be accessed through the public corridor that led to the dining room (allegedly a restaurant) and the toilets for all the guests beside. As a shared bathroom, we would rather imagine a bathroom in a private corridor just for these two rooms. Furthermore, we think that the owners could eat some small dishes for beer in the "restaurant". Although the site writes about the dining area as a restaurant, but if you do not order a day in advance, do not hate at all, so count on the arrival day count. Furthermore, the site states the price of breakfast for 110 crowns, but this price is no longer valid (now 125 crowns). Dinner prices are quite high, supplements are charged separately by the owners (eg pork goulash 145, - + bread dumplings 4pcs for 32, -). There is nothing to reproach for the ordered meal, it tastes great. We have only one complaint about drinking, you pay 15 crowns for a jug of tap water, which seems useless. As a result, we rate the stay positive, the rooms and sanitary facilities were very clean, the owners are nice people who take care of their guests well. If you are going to Pravcicka brana, pension U Stehliku is a great starting point for a 20 km hike.
Josef Stehlik on Google

Prosím vymažte již komentář těchto tří tlustých dam,nevím,kým byly naočkovány aby nám škodily.Děkuji za pochopení.Přeci není možné aby nás takto někdo pomlouval. Jejich komentář je odporný!!!
Please delete the comment of these three fat ladies, I don't know who they were vaccinated to harm us. Thank you for your understanding. It is not possible for anyone to slander us like this. Their comment is disgusting !!!
Jana Letenská on Google

Skvělé místo, majitelé super diky
Great place, super thanks owners
Lucie Flašarová on Google

Penzion je na dobrém místě, je čistý a útulný. Interieru prospělo, kdyby tam řada kýčů nebyla. Třeba se inspirovat za hranicemi. Postele byly místy proleželé, polštáře z drceného molitanu. Pokoj malý, ale pěkný. Společná koupelna a WC- vše čisté. Snídaně velmi prosté, hlady nebudete , ale nepochutnáte si. Chyběla nám možnost koupit si večer k pivku jakékoliv malé jídlo -( třeba nakládaný hermelín, nebo párky. ) Jsou jen buráky. K parkování na pozemku : místa bohužel málo, dnes je trend velkých aut, je velký problém vyjet. Personál se zdá velmi přátelský, do doby než zjistí, že jste jim nedali 10 bodů z 10ti. To pak začnou být nečekaně sprostí , arogantní. Vyjde najevo, že vlídnost, je jen falešná maska. Neúcta k hostu. Doporučuji pročíst hodnocení a zejména ty méně bodová a peprné odpovědi majitele !!! Každý si udělá obrázek rychle sám. Zkazilo nám to dojem z jinak pěkného výletu. Okolí krásné. The pension is in a good location, it is clean and cozy. The interior is full of kitsch. I recommend removing them. Look for inspiration abroad. The beds had bumps.Pillows filled with crushed foam. The room was small but nice. Shared bathroom and toilet - everything was clean.Breakfast very simple, but you will not be hungry,but you won't enjoy it. In the evening we could not buy a small meal for beer. There is none. Parking is problematic, everyone has a big car. little place for maneuvers.The staff looks very friendly. But when he finds out you gave him few points, he is arrogant and vulgar. You will find that smiles are just a mask. they have no respect for the customer. I recommend reading customer reviews and arrogant answers from the owner.
The pension is in a good location, it is clean and cozy. The interior benefited if there weren't a lot of kitsch. Need to be inspired abroad. The beds were lying in places, the pillows made of crushed foam. Room small but nice. Shared bathroom and toilet - all clean. Breakfast very simple, you will not be hungry, but you will not enjoy it. We lacked the opportunity to buy any small food for a beer in the evening - (for example, pickled camembert or sausages.) They are just peanuts. For parking on the plot: unfortunately few places, today there is a trend of big cars, it is a big problem to get out. The staff seems very friendly until they find out you haven't given them 10 out of 10 points. Then they start to be unexpectedly rude, arrogant. It turns out that kindness is just a fake mask. Disrespect for the guest. I recommend reading the reviews and especially the less point and peppery answers of the owner !!! Everyone can make a picture quickly on their own. It ruined our impression of an otherwise nice trip. Beautiful surroundings. The pension is in a good location, it is clean and cozy. The interior is full of kitsch. I recommend removing them. Look for inspiration abroad. The beds had bumps.Pillows filled with crushed foam. The room was small but nice. Shared bathroom and toilet - everything was clean.Breakfast very simple, but you will not be hungry, but you will not enjoy it. In the evening we could not buy a small meal for beer. There is none. Parking is problematic, everyone has a big car. little place for maneuvers.The staff looks very friendly. But when he finds out you gave him few points, he is arrogant and vulgar. You will find that smiles are just a mask. they have no respect for the customer. I recommend reading customer reviews and arrogant answers from the owner.
evelNT on Google

Nie polecam rezerwacji przez booking. Właściciel to cham i prostak. Nie chcę oddac pieniędzy z rezerwacji okradł mnie na ładną sumę. Podróżowanie w pandemi jest trudne musiałam anulować rezerwacje ze względu na brak testów na czas. Właściciel udawał że nie ma pieniędzy po interwencji booking on napisał że pieniędzy nie odda. To jest właśnie szacunek do drugiego człowieka w tak trudnych czasach jakim jest pandemia. Mam nadzieję złodzieju że się wypchasz ta kasa. Cham i prostak.
I do not recommend booking through booking. The owner is a boor and a simpleton. I do not want to return the money from the booking robbed me of a nice sum. Traveling in a pandemic is difficult I had to cancel my booking due to a lack of on-time testing. The owner pretended that he had no money after the intervention of booking, he wrote that he would not return the money. This is respect for other people in such difficult times as the pandemic. Hope thief you stuff your money. Cham and a simpleton.
Aneta Špindlerová on Google

Naprostá spokojenost s výběrem tohoto penzionu. Majitelé moc milí a příjemní lidé... pokoje i společné sociální zařízení vždy čisté, voňavé... a jídlo též výborné. Připravte se na domácí českou kuchyni, paní majitelka vaří výborně. K dispozici nám bylo pro děti i hřiště a trampolína, které mají už ve své privátní zóně za penzionem, což byl takový bonus, za který jsem byla moc ráda. My se rozhodně rádi vrátíme, bylo nám tu moc hezky.
Absolute satisfaction with the choice of this guest house. The owners very nice and pleasant people ... rooms and shared bathroom facilities always clean, fragrant ... and the food also excellent. Get ready for home-made Czech cuisine, the owner cooks well. There was also a playground and a trampoline for children, which they already have in their private zone behind the guest house, which was such a bonus that I was very happy for. We will definitely be happy to return, we were very nice here.
Martin Simacek on Google

The accommodation itself is okay with the beds being a little uncomfortable. However when we came there, they gave us the wrong rooms due to a mix up. Rather than apologise for their mistake they were very rude at us and even sweared which made us leave immediately. The owners are very unpleasant and only their daughter is able to normally talk to you
Parvathy Chandrasekhar on Google

It is a family run pension and the owners were friendly. The place is quaint and peaceful. The rooms were average and so was the breakfast. During our check-out, we saw that there were some discrepancies with the bill - for example, we played billiards only 3 times but the bill said we played 12 times. We got this sorted out. But later (half-way home) we also saw that they charged us for a couple of extra beers and water which we never ordered. All in all, the stay was not the best but not the worst either. And do check your bll thoroughly when you leave.

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