Kašna se sochou rytíře

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Contact Kašna se sochou rytíře

Address :

258 01 Vlašim, Czechia

Categories :
City : Vlašim

258 01 Vlašim, Czechia
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Pseudogotická kašna byla postavena na Velkém rynku roku 1886. Kašnu se sochou věnoval městu vlašimský rodák, architekt a stavební podnikatel František Šebek. O postavě na vrcholu sloupu se vedou dohady. Může se jednat o mytického slovanského hrdinu Záboje, případně o Rolanda, symbolizující tržní práva měst, dále se spekuluje o tom, že by socha mohla představovat Žižku, podle toho, že náměstí se nyní jmenuje Žižkovo. The Pseudo-Gothic Fountain was built on the Great Market Square in 1886. The fountain with a statue was donated by Vlašim native, architect and construction entrepreneur František Šebek. The figure on top of the column is guessed. It may be a mythical Slavic hero of Záboj, or Roland, symbolizing the market rights of cities. There is still speculation by natives that the statue could represent Žižka, according to which the square is now called Žižka.
The pseudo-Gothic fountain was built on the Great Market Square in 1886. The fountain with the statue was donated to the town by a native of Vlašim, architect and construction entrepreneur František Šebek. There is speculation about the figure at the top of the pillar. It may be the mythical Slavic hero of Záboj, or Roland, symbolizing the market rights of cities, and there is speculation that the statue could represent Žižka, based on the fact that the square is now called Žižkovo. The Pseudo-Gothic Fountain was built on the Great Market Square in 1886. The fountain with a statue was donated by Vlašim native, architect and construction entrepreneur František Šebek. The figure on top of the column is guessed. It may be a mythical Slavic hero of Záboj, or Roland, symbolizing the market rights of cities. There is still speculation by natives that the statue could represent Žižka, according to which the square is now called Žižka.

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