Památník padlým ve Vlašimi

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Contact Památník padlým ve Vlašimi

Address :

258 01 Vlašim, Czechia

Categories :
City : Vlašim

258 01 Vlašim, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Pomník Obětem 1. a 2. světové války na boční zdi Husova domu na vlašimském Husově náměstí patří k těm monumentálnějším - zabírá takřka celou plochu dvoupodlažní stavby. Je horizontálně rozdělen do dvou širokých polí, každé o tří deskách, z čehož vždy dvě krajní jsou menší a prostřední nejrozsáhlejší. Kromě jmen padlých v obou světových válkách tu najdeme i prsť uloženou z bojišť 1. sv. války. A monument to the victims of World War I and World War II on the side walls of Hus House on the Vlašim Hus Square is one of the most monumental I met in last years - it occupies almost the entire area of a two-storey building. It is horizontally divided into two broad fields, each with three plates, two of which are always smaller and the middle one the largest. In addition to the names of the fallen in both world wars, we can also find a finger deposited from the battlefields of the 1st St. war.
The monument to the Victims of the First and Second World Wars on the side wall of Hus's house on Vlašim's Hus Square is one of the most monumental - it occupies almost the entire area of ​​the two-storey building. It is horizontally divided into two wide fields, each with three plates, of which the two outer ones are smaller and the middle one is the largest. In addition to the names fallen in both world wars, we can also find a finger stored from the battlefields of the 1st st. of war. A monument to the victims of World War I and World War II on the side walls of Hus House on the Vlašim Hus Square is one of the most monumental I met in last years - it occupies almost the entire area of ​​a two-storey building. It is horizontally divided into two broad fields, each with three plates, two of which are always smaller and the middle one the largest. In addition to the names of the fallen in both world wars, we can also find a finger deposited from the battlefields of the 1st St. war.

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