Kostel Narození Panny Marie

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Contact Kostel Narození Panny Marie

Address :

Jirsíkova 30, 285 09 Kácov, Czechia

Categories :
City : Kačov

Jirsíkova 30, 285 09 Kácov, Czechia
Eva Jordan on Google

Kostel Narození Panny Marie je jistě dominantou Kácova a svojí prostou krásou je velmi zajímavý. Má již románské základy, nicméně jeho dnešní podoba pochází z mnoha přestaveb, nejnovější z poloviny 19.století.
The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary is certainly the dominant feature of Kácov and its very beauty is very interesting. It already has Romanesque foundations, however, its current appearance comes from many reconstructions, the most recent from the mid-19th century.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Barokně klasicistní objekt středověkého původu stojí nad náměstím severně od zámku, k němuž je připojen vzdušným mostem, dnes nefunkčním. V současné podobě se jedná o neslohový trojlodní kostel se západní hranolovou věží a východním obdélným presbytářem s okosenými rohy. Vnější vzhled velmi jednoduchý, stěny členěny jen okny s kulatými záklenky. Stavba pochází ze 14. století, přestavěna barokně byla v polovině 18. století, roku 1819 byl postaven dnešní empírový presbytář. V roce 1845 byl kostel poničen vichřicí, trojlodí i věž pak byly roku 1862 důkladně přestavěny. A baroque classicist object of medieval origin stands above the square north of the castle, to which it is connected by an "air bridge", today not functional. In its current form, it is a non-stylish three-nave church with a western prismatic tower and an east rectangular presbytery with bevelled corners. The exterior appearance is very simple, the walls are divided only by windows with rounded niches. The building dates back to the 14th century, rebuilt in the Baroque style in the middle of the 18th century, the Empire presbytery was built in 1819. The church was destroyed by a storm in 1845, and so the three naves with tower were then thoroughly rebuilt in 1862.
The Baroque-Classicist building of medieval origin stands above the square north of the chateau, to which it is connected by an air bridge, which is now non-functional. In its current form, it is a non-stylistic three-nave church with a western prismatic tower and an eastern rectangular presbytery with bevelled corners. The external appearance is very simple, the walls are divided only by windows with round niches. The building dates from the 14th century, was rebuilt in the Baroque style in the mid-18th century, in 1819 the present-day Empire presbytery was built. In 1845, the church was destroyed by a storm, and the nave and tower were thoroughly rebuilt in 1862. A baroque classicist object of medieval origin stands above the square north of the castle, to which it is connected by an "air bridge", today not functional. In its current form, it is a non-stylish three-nave church with a western prismatic tower and an east rectangular presbytery with bevelled corners. The exterior appearance is very simple, the walls are divided only by windows with rounded niches. The building dates back to the 14th century, rebuilt in the Baroque style in the middle of the 18th century, the Empire presbytery was built in 1819. The church was destroyed by a storm in 1845, and so the three naves with tower were then thoroughly rebuilt in 1862.

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