Kostel Narození Panny Marie - Kamýk nad Vltavou 11

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Contact Kostel Narození Panny Marie

Address :

Kamýk nad Vltavou 11, 262 63 Kamýk nad Vltavou, Czechia

Postal code : 262
Categories :
City : Kamýk nad Vltavou

Kamýk nad Vltavou 11, 262 63 Kamýk nad Vltavou, Czechia
Helena Zdrubecka on Google

Luděk Trojan on Google

Bohumil Kadlec on Google

Jan Plavec on Google

Petr Janku on Google

Místo kde jsem poprvé osobně vydal arcibiskupa Dominika Duky
A place where I personally released Archbishop Dominic Duka
Petr Koldovský on Google

Gotický kostel Narození Panny Marie byl ve středověku pevností, o čemž vypovídají pozůstatky střílen v mohutné hřbitovní zdi. První písemná zmínka o kostele je z roku 1350. Po požáru v roce 1775, který zachvátil celou obec, byl znovu obnoven v roce 1787.
The Gothic Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary was a fortress in the Middle Ages, as evidenced by the remains shot in a massive cemetery wall. The first written mention of the church is from 1350. After a fire in 1775, which engulfed the whole village, it was rebuilt in 1787.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Společně se zříceninou někdejšího královského hradu je kostel Narození P. Marie jednou z nejvýznamnějších památek Kamýku nad Vltavou. Původně byl zřejmě zasvěcen sv. Mikuláši, a je připomínán už na konci 13. století jako farní kostel městečka Nový (též Dolní) Kamýk. Na dnes již neznámém místě v okolí hradu stál ještě další kostel zasvěcený sv. Petrovi, který náležel k později zaniklé osadě Starý (též Horní) Kamýk. O jeho podobě ani poloze dnes nevíme nic. Mariánský kostel narození Panny Marie v Novém Kamýku si uchoval mnoho ze své původní raně gotické podoby. Ve středověku byl opatřen jednoduchým opevněním, jehož pozůstatkem je část dnešní hřbitovní zdi se střílnami. Na jeho dnešní podobě se odráží především významná barokní přestavba, uskutečnéná v letech 1775 a 1784–1787 po velkém požáru v roce 1774. Většina vnitřního zařízení, která náleží k hodnotným ukázkám barokního umění a uměleckého řemesla, pochází z konce 18. století. Together with the ruins of the former Royal Castle, the Church of the Nativity of Mary is one of the most important monuments of Kamýk nad Vltavou. Originally it was apparently dedicated to St. Nicholas, and is remembered at the end of the 13th century as a parish church of New (also called "Lower") Kamýk. Another church dedicated to St. Peter stood around the castle, but it´s position is already unknown. It belonged to the later defunct settlement of Old (also called "Upper") Kamýk. We do not know anything about its shape or location today. The Marian Church of the Birth of Our Lady in New Kamýk has preserved much of it´s original early Gothic form. In the Middle Ages it was provided with a simple fortification, the remains of which are part of today's graveyard wall with springs. The present form of church is reflected mainly in a remarkable Baroque rebuilding, which took place inn 1775 and between 1784-1787 after a major fire in 1774. Most of the interior equipment, which belongs to valuable examples of Baroque art and crafts, comes from the end of the 18th century.
Together with the ruins of the former royal castle, the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary is one of the most important monuments in Kamýk nad Vltavou. It was originally originally dedicated to St. Mikuláš, and is remembered at the end of the 13th century as the parish church of the town of Nový (also Dolní) Kamýk. At the now unknown place around the castle stood another church dedicated to St. Peter, who belonged to the later defunct settlement of Starý (also Horní) Kamýk. We know nothing about its form or position today. The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Nový Kamýk has preserved much of its original early Gothic appearance. In the Middle Ages, it was equipped with a simple fortification, the remains of which are part of today's cemetery wall with loopholes. Its current appearance is mainly reflected in the significant Baroque reconstruction, which took place in 1775 and 1784–1787 after the great fire of 1774. Most of the interior, which belongs to valuable examples of Baroque art and arts and crafts, dates from the late 18th century. Together with the ruins of the former Royal Castle, the Church of the Nativity of Mary is one of the most important monuments of Kamýk nad Vltavou. Originally it was apparently dedicated to St. Nicholas, and is remembered at the end of the 13th century as a parish church of New (also called "Lower") Kamýk. Another church dedicated to St. Peter stood around the castle, but it´s position is already unknown. It belonged to the later defunct settlement of Old (also called "Upper") Kamýk. We do not know anything about its shape or location today. The Marian Church of the Birth of Our Lady in New Kamýk has preserved much of it´s original early Gothic form. In the Middle Ages it was provided with a simple fortification, the remains of which are part of today's graveyard wall with springs. The present form of church is reflected mainly in a remarkable Baroque rebuilding, which took place inn 1775 and between 1784-1787 after a major fire in 1774. the end of the 18th century.
Gabriela Midlochová on Google

Malý kostel a především hezký upravovaný hřbitov. Buď k němu přijdete z hlavní silnice po schodech nebo to maličko objedete a můžete po rovince z druhé strany. U zdi je jak možnost natočení vody, tak i zapůjčení konví a hadrů na spláchnutí a očištění hrobů. Uvnitř je pak skromný lep hezký oltář a pár lavic na zastavení se.
A small church and above all a nice landscaped cemetery. Either you come to it from the main road by stairs or you go around a little and you can follow the plain on the other side. At the wall there is the possibility of turning the water, as well as renting watering cans and rags for rinsing and cleaning graves. Inside is a modest glue, a nice altar and a few benches to stop by.

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