Kostel Narození Panny Marie

4.6/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Kostel Narození Panny Marie

Address :

Poděbradova 125, 271 01 Nové Strašecí, Czechia

Website : http://www.kudyznudy.cz/aktivity-a-akce/aktivity/kostel-narozeni-panny-marie-nove-straseci.aspx
Categories :
City : Nové Strašecí

Poděbradova 125, 271 01 Nové Strašecí, Czechia
Jana Kocova on Google

Ondra Sláma on Google

Jirina Hrdličková on Google

Tommi on Google

Doporučuji návštěvu na NOC KOSTELŮ.
I recommend a visit to the NIGHT OF CHURCHES.
Petr Koldovský on Google

Gotický kostel Narození Panny Marie byl založen kolem roku 1344. V roce 1553 byl barokně přestavěn. Dnešní podobu získal při přestavbě v roce 1839.
The Gothic Church of the Birth of the Virgin Mary was founded around 1344. In 1553 it was rebuilt in Baroque style. Today's appearance was acquired during the rebuilding in 1839.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Kostel, vystavěný na starém, dávno zrušeném hřbitově, je původně gotický (opěráky presbyteria), později upravovaný, zejména v baroku (interiér) a klasicismu (průčelí s věží). Stavba je uváděná jako farní už mezi lety 1344-51. Podací právo měli tehdy čeští panovníci. Roku 1639 jej vypálila švédská vojska, ale už v následujícím roce byl znovu vystavěn. V roce 1707 byl kostel ještě bez věže, při jeho západním průčelí stála mohutná šestiboká zvonice s trojicí zvonů, která byla ubourána roku 1839 a o rok později kostel získal dnešní podobu s romanizující věží při západním průčelí. Od 1. ledna 2004 je chrám farním kostelem pro sloučenou římskokatolickou farnost Nového Strašecí a několika okolních obcí. The church, built on the premises of the old, long-abolished cemetery, was originally Gothic (the presbytery), later modified, especially in the Baroque style (interior) and Classicism (facade with a tower). The building is listed as a parish between 1344-51. It was burned down by Swedish troops in 1639, but was rebuilt the following year. In 1707, the church was still without a tower, a massive hexagonal bell tower with three bells stood at its western facade, which was demolished in 1839 and a year later the church acquired its present appearance with a Romanizing tower at the western facade. Since January 1, 2004, the church has been a parish one for the merged Roman Catholic parish of Nový Strašecí and several surrounding villages.
The church, built in the old, long-abolished cemetery, was originally Gothic (backs of the presbytery), later modified, especially in the Baroque (interior) and Classicism (facade with a tower). The building is listed as a parish between 1344-51. At that time, Czech rulers had the right to pass. It was burned down by Swedish troops in 1639, but was rebuilt the following year. In 1707, the church was still without a tower, at its western facade stood a massive hexagonal bell tower with three bells, which was demolished in 1839, and a year later the church acquired its present appearance with a Romanizing tower at the western facade. Since January 1, 2004, the church has been a parish church for the merged Roman Catholic parish of Nový Strašecí and several surrounding villages. The church, built on the premises of the old, long-abolished cemetery, was originally Gothic (the presbytery), later modified, especially in the Baroque style (interior) and Classicism (facade with a tower). The building is listed as a parish between 1344-51. It was burned down by Swedish troops in 1639, but was rebuilt the following year. In 1707, the church was still without a tower, a massive hexagonal bell tower with three bells stood at its western facade, which was demolished in 1839 and a year later the church acquired its present appearance with a Romanizing tower at the western facade. Since January 1, 2004, the church has been a parish one for the merged Roman Catholic parish of Nový Strašecí and several surrounding villages.
Peta wski on Google

??? Still needs repairs but it is pretty anyway

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