Kostel sv. Filipa a Jakuba

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Contact Kostel sv. Filipa a Jakuba

Address :

Na Parkánech 394/6, 390 01 Tábor, Czechia

Categories :
City : Tábor

Na Parkánech 394/6, 390 01 Tábor, Czechia
Jana on Google

Miglena Tzvetkova on Google

Radek Mejzr on Google

Anja Fuchs on Google

Schöne kleine Kirche in spannendem, liebevoll gepflegtem Park
Beautiful little church in exciting, lovingly maintained park
Roman Kudrlik on Google

Kostelík s krásnou akustikou a nejen s ní...
Church with beautiful acoustics and not only with it ...
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Kostel sv. Jakuba s hřbitovy středověkého původu leží vně historického jádra a přimyká se k jižní straně bývalého hradu Kotnov. Není vyloučeno, že kostel náležel předhusitskému osídlení, které je možno předpokládat na ostrohu pod hradem, v bezprostředním okolí kostela. Kostel sv. Jakuba je připomínán již r.1388 jako kaple sv. Filipa a Jakuba, která byla následně pobořena (24.7.1746 vypálena pruskými vojsky) a znovu postavena v roce 1470. Nynější podoba kaple je výsledkem několika barokních úpravu původně gotické stavby. Dnes slouží pořádání koncertů a jiným kulturním účelům. Bývalé hřbitovy patří mezi prvky nejstaršího táborského osídlení. Ještě v 19. století nalezly odpočinek mnohé významné osobnosti Tábora, například Josef Němec, manžel spisovatelky Boženy Němcové. Church of St. Jacob with cemeteries of medieval origin lies outside the historical core and heads to the south side of the former Kotnov Castle. It is possible that the church belonged to the pre-Hussite settlement, which can be assumed on the headland under the castle, in the immediate vicinity of the church. Church of St. Jacob is remembered already in 1388 as the chapel of St. Philip and Jacob, which was subsequently demolished (July 24, 1746 burned by Prussian troops) and rebuilt in 1470. The present form of the chapel is the result of several Baroque modifications of the originally Gothic structure. Today concerts and other cultural purposes are organized here. Former cemeteries are among the elements of the oldest settlement in the Tábor region. Even in the 19th century many important personalities of Tábor were buried here, such as Josef Němec, the husband of famous Czech writer Božena Němcová.
Church of St. Jakuba with cemeteries of medieval origin lies outside the historic core and adjoins the south side of the former castle Kotnov. It is possible that the church belonged to a pre-Hussite settlement, which can be assumed on the promontory below the castle, in the immediate vicinity of the church. Church of St. Jakub is remembered as early as 1388 as the chapel of St. Philip and James, which was subsequently demolished (burned by Prussian troops on July 24, 1746) and rebuilt in 1470. The current appearance of the chapel is the result of several Baroque modifications of the originally Gothic building. Today it is used for concerts and other cultural purposes. The former cemeteries are among the elements of the oldest settlement in Tábor. Even in the 19th century, many important personalities of Tábor found rest, such as Josef Němec, the husband of the writer Božena Němcová. Church of St. Jacob with cemeteries of medieval origin lies outside the historical core and heads to the south side of the former Kotnov Castle. It is possible that the church belonged to the pre-Hussite settlement, which can be assumed on the headland under the castle, in the immediate vicinity of the church. Church of St. Jacob is remembered already in 1388 as the chapel of St. Philip and Jacob, which was preferably demolished (July 24, 1746 burned by Prussian troops) and rebuilt in 1470. The present form of the chapel is the result of several Baroque modifications of the originally Gothic structure. Today concerts and other cultural purposes are organized here. Former cemeteries are among the elements of the oldest settlement in the Tábor region. Even in the 19th century many important personalities of Tábor were buried here, such as Josef Němec, the husband of famous Czech writer Božena Němcová.
Jiri Randa on Google

Prvního května 2022 zde při poutní bohoslužbě požehnali zvonu, je zde nový po sto a šesti letech. Zvon (jmenuje se Jan Hus) odlil zvonař Michal Votruba z Myslkovic u Soběslavi. ... Ten původní byl zabaven za první světové války.
On May 1, 2022, they blessed the bell here during the pilgrimage service, it is new here after a hundred and six years. The bell (his name is Jan Hus) was cast by the bell ringer Michal Votruba from Myslkovice near Soběslav. ... The original was confiscated during World War I.
Мгер Симонян on Google

Церковь святого Филиппа и святого Иакова является однонефной старо-католической. Первоначально это был готический костёл, построенный в 14 веке. С 1958 года храм внесен в список памятников культуры Чешской Республики. Церковь находится за пределами исторического центра Табора и примыкает к южной стороне бывшего замка Котнов, где сегодня простирается обширный парк. С восточной стороны парк заканчивается массивной подпорной стеной, под которой находится спуск к реке Лужницы. В южной части парк отделен стеной от жилых домов. Парк с церковью стоит на пологом участке с юга на север. В сам парк ведут четыре входа, а церковь расположена в его северо-восточном углу. Внутри храма Он находится треугольный пресвитерей с вестибюлем на западном фасаде, над которым навесает готический портал. В самом пресвитерии располагаются три алтаря. В западной части на двух колоннах стоит деревянный хор. Внутри церкви сохранились надгробия второй половины 16 века. Так как костёл изначально располагался на старом городском кладбище, то вокруг все ещё можно встретить надгробные скульптуры. На этом погосте были захоронены многие важные личности Табора, в частности, похоронен муж Божены Немцовой Йозеф. В парке находится братская могила воинов. В 1973 году костел с парком был приобретен городом Табор, после того как благочиние передало его в собственность Чехословацкого государства. В период с 1973 по 1990 год он был реконструирован в его нынешнем виде. С 1997 года город Табор сдает церковь в аренду Старой католической церкви.
The Church of St. Philip and St. James is an old Catholic one-nave church. It was originally a Gothic church built in the 14th century. Since 1958, the temple has been included in the list of cultural monuments of the Czech Republic. The church is located outside the historic center of Tábor and adjoins the southern side of the former Kotnov castle, where today an extensive park stretches. On the east side, the park ends with a massive retaining wall, under which there is a descent to the Luzhnitsa River. In the southern part, the park is separated by a wall from residential buildings. The park with the church stands on a gentle stretch from south to north. There are four entrances to the park itself, and the church is located in its northeastern corner. Inside the temple, there is a triangular presbytery with a vestibule on the western façade, over which a Gothic portal hangs. In the presbytery itself there are three altars. In the western part there is a wooden choir on two columns. Inside the church, there are tombstones from the second half of the 16th century. Since the church was originally located in the old city cemetery, grave sculptures can still be found around. Many important persons of Tabor were buried on this churchyard, in particular, the husband of Bozena Nemtsova Josef was buried. There is a mass grave of soldiers in the park. In 1973, the church with a park was acquired by the town of Tabor, after the deanery transferred it to the ownership of the Czechoslovak state. Between 1973 and 1990, it was reconstructed in its current form. Since 1997, the city of Tabor has been leasing the church to the Old Catholic Church.

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