Kostel Narození Panny Marie

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kostel Narození Panny Marie

Address :

nám. Mikuláše z Husi, 390 01 Tábor, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +88
Categories :
City : Tábor

nám. Mikuláše z Husi, 390 01 Tábor, Czechia
Jarek Quatro on Google

Petr Pazdera on Google

Nádherný kostel
Beautiful church
Vilém Flášar on Google

Pěkný kostel!!
Nice church !!
Ls S on Google

Perfektně udržované
Perfectly maintained
Petr Bohuslávek on Google

Po rekonstrukci, pěkné.
After reconstruction, nice.
Jarda Zahora on Google

Hezký kostelík v Táboře
Nice church in Tábor
Daniel Szabó on Google

Úžasný prostor, stavba s duší a obsahem...
Amazing space, building with soul and content ...
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Bohatě členěné průčelí ve stylu klasického baroka je osazeno sochami sv. Augustina, patrona řádu, a jeho matky, sv. Moniky. Zajímavostí je rozsáhlá krypta s částečně zachovalými freskami. Samotný klášter na počátku 19. století postupně ukončil svou činnost a jeho budova byla využívána jako věznice. Dnes tu sídlí pracoviště táborského muzea se svými depozitáři. The richly segmented facade in the style of the classic Baroque is decorated with sculptures of St. Augustine, patron of the Order, and his mother, St. Monika. One of the interesting things here is the extensive crypt with partially preserved frescoes. The monastery itself gradually ended its activity at the beginning of the 19th century and it´s building was used as a prison. Today the workplace of the Tábor Museum with it´s depositories is located here.
The richly structured facade in the classical Baroque style is fitted with statues of St. Augustine, patron saint of the order, and his mother, St. Monica. An interesting feature is an extensive crypt with partially preserved frescoes. The monastery itself gradually ceased its activities at the beginning of the 19th century and its building was used as a prison. Today, the workplace of the Tábor Museum with its depositories is located here. The richly segmented facade in the style of the classic Baroque is decorated with sculptures of St. St. Augustine, patron of the Order, and his mother, St. Monika. One of the interesting things here is the extensive crypt with partially preserved frescoes. The monastery itself gradually ended its activity at the beginning of the 19th century and it´s building was used as a prison. Today the workplace of the Tábor Museum with it´s depositories is located here.

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