Kostel Zvěstování Panny Marie - Komenského nám. 125

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Farnost Pardubice - Farnost-pardubice.cz

Ohlášky, bohoslužby a přímluvy ke stažení

Contact Kostel Zvěstování Panny Marie

Address :

Komenského nám. 125, 530 02 Pardubice I-Staré Město, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +79
Postal code : 530
Website : http://www.farnost-pardubice.cz/
Categories :

Komenského nám. 125, 530 02 Pardubice I-Staré Město, Czechia
Michal Fedor on Google

Pekne baracky vsude kolem
Nice baracks around
Renata Mysza on Google

Z zewnątrz ładny budynek. Nie miałam okazji wejść do środka.
A nice building from outside. I did not have the opportunity to go inside.
Jindřich Horák on Google

Skvělé dětské mše každou neděli od 10:00.
Great Children's Mass every Sunday from 10:00.
Ondřej Fajmon on Google

Kostel je vybavením spíše chudší, což ale vynahrazují zajímavé a romantické katakomby. Také se v něm scházejí spíš mladší katolíci a rodiny s dětmi.
The church is rather poor in equipment, but this is replaced by interesting and romantic catacombs. It also brings together younger Catholics and families with children.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Krásný gotický jednolodní kostel Zvěstování Panny Marie najdete v Klášterní ulici, spojující Pernštýnské náměstí s Komenského náměstím. Byl založen kolem roku 1359 arcibiskupem Arnoštem z Pardubic. Po požáru roku 1507 byl kostel v roce 1515 na základě nařízení Viléma z Pernštejna upraven v pozdně gotickém stylu. Součástí kostela býval i hřbitov, ten byl zrušen v roce 1510. Kostel znovu vyhořel v roce 1538 a 1645, podruhé v důsledku ostřelování Pardubic švédskými vojsky. Poté dlouho chátral. Roku 1800 byl znovu otevřen, vysvěcen byl ale až v roce 1815. Na výzdobu věnoval císař František I. 1292 zlatých. Předposlední úpravou prošel v letech 1904–1905 pod vedením Bóži Dvořáka. Hlavní barokní oltář byl nahrazen novým gotickým a strop presbyteria byl ozdoben malbami dle předlohy Mikoláše Alše. The beautiful Gothic single-nave Church of the Annunciation of Virgin Mary can be found in Klášterní Street, connecting Pernštýnské náměstí with Komenský Square. It was founded around 1359 by Archbishop Arnošt of Pardubice. After the fire in 1507, the church was modified in late Gothic style by the order of Vilém of Pernštejn in 1515. Part of the church was a cemetery, which was abolished in 1510. The church burnt again in 1538 and 1645, the second time due to the bombing of Pardubice by Swedish troops. Then it was falling into disrepair for a long time. It was re-opened in 1800, but was consecrated in 1815. The decoration was given by the Emperor Franz Joseph by 1292 gold coins. The penultimate adaptation passed in the years 1904-1905 under the leadership of Bóža Dvořák. The main Baroque altar was replaced by the new Gothic one and the presbytery ceiling was adorned with paintings according to the masterpiece of Mikoláš Aleš.
The beautiful Gothic single nave church of the Annunciation can be found in Klášterní Street, connecting Pernštýn Square with Comenius Square. It was founded around 1359 by Archbishop Arnošt of Pardubice. After a fire in 1507, the church was rebuilt in the late Gothic style in 1515 on the basis of a decree by Wilhelm von Pernstein. The church used to be a cemetery, which was canceled in 1510. The church burned down again in 1538 and 1645, the second time as a result of the bombardment of Pardubice by Swedish troops. Then he fell into disrepair for a long time. In 1800 it was reopened, but it was consecrated only in 1815. Emperor Francis I donated 1292 gold for decoration. The penultimate modification underwent in the years 1904–1905 under the leadership of Bóža Dvořák. The main Baroque altar was replaced by a new Gothic altar and the ceiling of the presbytery was decorated with paintings based on a design by Mikoláš Aleš. The beautiful Gothic single-nave Church of Virgin Mary can be found in Klášterní Street, connecting Pernštýnské Square with Komenský Square. It was founded around 1359 by Archbishop Arnošt of Pardubice. After the fire in 1507, the church was modified in late Gothic style by the order of Vilém of Pernštejn in 1515. Part of the church was a cemetery, which was abolished in 1510. The church burnt again in 1538 and 1645, the second time Due to the bombing of Pardubice by Swedish troops. Then it was falling into disrepair for a long time. It was re-opened in 1800, but was consecrated in 1815. The decoration was given by Emperor Franz Joseph by 1292 gold coins. The penultimate adaptation passed in the years 1904-1905 under the leadership of Bóža Dvořák. The main Baroque altar was replaced by the new Gothic one and the presbytery ceiling was adorned with paintings according to the masterpiece of Mikoláš Aleš.
George O´Harek (JOh) on Google

Další stavba oné zlaté doby starých Pardubic za Perštýnů. Ještě že byla uchráněna před asanací v 19.st..
Another building of that golden age of old Pardubice under the Persians. Good that she was rescued from decontamination in the 19th century.
Зеник Кавулич on Google

Дуже гарний костел в готичному стилі. Перші згадки про заснування в 1359 році.
Very beautiful church in the Gothic style. The first mention of the foundation in 1359.
Guilherme Damião on Google


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