
5/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Leština

Address :

Unnamed Road, Czechia

Categories :
City : Unnamed Road

Unnamed Road, Czechia
Jiri Bocanek on Google

Hrad Leština doporučuji.
I recommend Leština Castle.
David Jansta on Google

Jelikož nebyla označená cesta a souřadnice také moc nesouhlasily,tak se bloudilo, ale nakonec jsme se dočkali odměny.
Since there were no marked path and are also very much opposed, so he wandered, but eventually we have had rewards.
Josef Grivalský on Google

Z hradu už nezbylo skoro nic, jen pár kamenů, viz foto. Místo je už docela dost zarostlé a ani nevypadá, že někdy bylo udržované, či prořezané.na hrad jsem šel přímo z obce Leština. Výstup je trochu náročný, dosti kopcovitý, ale to už tak bejvá, že na hrad se jde většinou do kopce?.
There is almost nothing left of the castle, just a few stones, see the photo. The place is quite overgrown and does not even seem to have been maintained or cut in the castle I went directly from the village of Leština. The exit is a bit hilly, rather hilly, but it's so hot that the castle is mostly uphill.

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