Levret Ltd.

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Contact Levret Ltd.

Address :

Terronská 61, 160 00 Praha 6, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +78
Website : https://www.levret.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha

Terronská 61, 160 00 Praha 6, Czechia
Ivana Courtonova on Google

Juliána Silvie on Google

A Sandra on Google

S pani Cepickou jsem se poprve potkala v breznu 2021 kdyz jsem od sveho lekare ve Francii dostala doporuceni abych sla na gynekologicke vysetreni co nejdrive kvuli pozitivnimu vysokorizikovemu nalezu HPV. Hned behem prvniho vysetreni pani Cepicka udelala biopsii coz neni uplne typicke, tak jsem z toho zdedukovala ze asi jsem v nejake kancerogenni fazi cervixu. Tak jsem se ji zacala ptat jak to vypada a ona skoro vubec nereagovala a nic nevysvetlovala. Pozadala abych ji poslala vysledky z Francie na mailu, coz jsem udelala. Po 2 mesicech jsem sla pro vysledek, pozvala jsem kamaradku sebou pro moralni podporu jelikoz pani Cepicka neprokazovla zadnou empatii ani behem biopsii ani po tom. Kdyz me privitala podruhe hned okomentovala "a nechcete si vzit kamaradku rukou" ironicky. Vysledek nastesti byl negativni, pozadala jsem aby mi ho vytiskla pro pripadne dalsi vysetreni u jineho lekare. Na to reagovala s nespokojenosti a rekla "vy jste mi ale taky neukazovala zadne predchozi nalezy" ikdyz jsem ji uz posilala nalezy z Francie na mailu. Pak mi udelala dalsi citologii a u toho rekla ze konci v ordinaci na Spalene a at si najdu jineho lekare (coz se nevi jestli je pravda nebo vymluva na to ze me uz nechce za pacientka). Takze celkovy pocit a zkusenost s pani Cepickou - H R O Z N Y. Neozvala se vubec s druhym vysledkem ani nic mi neprislo na emalu tak jsem tam musela volat sama, nastesti zase negativni ale stale nevim jestli je to fakticka pravda protoze zadne papirove potvrzeni nemam. PS jsem cizinka.
I first met Ms. Cepická in March 2021, when I received a recommendation from my doctor in France to have a gynecological examination as soon as possible due to a positive high-risk finding of HPV. Right during the first examination, Mrs. Cepicka did a biopsy, which is not entirely typical, so I deduced from this that I was probably in some carcinogenic phase of the cervix. So I started asking her what it looked like, and she almost didn't react at all and didn't explain anything. She asked me to email her the results from France, which I did. After 2 months, I was in favor of the result, I invited a friend with me for moral support, because Mrs. Cepicka did not show any empathy either during or after the biopsy. When she greeted me a second time, she immediately commented "and you don't want to take a friend's hand" ironically. Fortunately, the result was negative, I asked her to print it out for me for possible further examination by another doctor. She responded with dissatisfaction and said "but you also didn't show me any previous findings", even though I had already sent her findings from France by e-mail. Then she did me another cytology and told her from the end in the surgery in Spalene and that I would find another doctor (which is not known if it is true or an excuse that she no longer wants me as a patient). So the overall feeling and experience with Mrs. Cepická - H R O Z N Y. She did not speak at all with the second result or nothing came to me on the email so I had to call myself, fortunately negative but I still do not know if it is factually true because I have no paper confirmation. PS I'm a foreigner.

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