Mariánský sloup

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Matušova 789/10, Rumburk 1, 408 01 Rumburk, Czechia

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City : Rumburk

Matušova 789/10, Rumburk 1, 408 01 Rumburk, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Raně barokní pískovcový sloup Nejsvětější Trojice se sochou Panny Marie Immaculaty (Neposkvrněné) pochází z roku 1681. Má podobu unikátních Božích muk, bez tradiční sochy na vrcholu. Vztyčen byl rok po velkém moru na místě pranýře, symbolu rychtářského práva. Obyvatelé města pořádali od roku 1681 u Trojičního sloupu děkovnou církevní slavnost na památku ukončení morové epidemie. Sochy sv. Floriána, sv. Bartoloměje, sv. Vavřince, sv. Josefa, sv. Antonína Paduánského, sv. Jana Nepomuckého a sv. Jana Křtitele byly přidány mezi lety 1724-1726 jako ohlas další vlny moru z roku 1713. Socha Panny Marie Immaculaty byla doplněna roku 1775. Sochy Antonína Paduánského a patrona města sv. Bartoloměje nepocházejí z původního kompletu. Dobové malby na plechu s motivy Nejsvětější Trojice jsou dnes součástí sbírky Muzea v Rumburku. Roku 1996 prošel morový sloup rekonstrukcí. The Early Baroque Sandstone Column of the Holy Trinity with the statue of the Virgin Mary Immaculata dates back to 1681. It is in the form of the unique torment of God, without a traditional statue on top. It was erected a year after the Great Plague in the place of former pillory. The inhabitants of the town held a church celebration at the Trinity Column in 1681 to commemorate the end of the plague epidemic. Statues of St. Florian, St. Bartholomew, St. Lawrence, St. Joseph, St. Anthony of Padua, St. John of Nepomuk and St. John the Baptist was added between 1724-1726 as a response to another wave of plague in 1713. The statue of the Virgin Mary Immaculata was completed in 1775. Statues of St. Anthony of Padua and patron saint of the town St. Bartholomew do not come from the original ensemble. Period paintings on metal with motifs of the Holy Trinity are now part of the collection of the Museum in Rumburk. In 1996 the plague column underwent reconstruction.
The early Baroque sandstone column of the Holy Trinity with a statue of the Virgin Mary Immaculate (Immaculate Conception) dates from 1681. It has the form of unique torments of God, without a traditional statue on top. It was erected a year after the Great Plague at the site of the prankster, a symbol of arterial law. From 1681, the inhabitants of the town held a thanksgiving church celebration at the Trinity Column in memory of the end of the plague epidemic. Statues of St. Florian, St. Bartholomew, St. Lawrence, St. Joseph, St. Antonín Paduánský, St. John of Nepomuk and St. John the Baptist were added between 1724-1726 as a response to another wave of the plague from 1713. The statue of the Virgin Mary Immaculate was added in 1775. The statues of Antonín Paduánský and the patron saint of the city of St. Bartholomew do not come from the original set. Period paintings on a plate with motifs of the Holy Trinity are now part of the collection of the Museum in Rumburk. In 1996, the plague column underwent reconstructions. The Early Baroque Sandstone Column of the Holy Trinity with the statue of the Virgin Mary Immaculata dates back to 1681. It is in the form of the unique torment of God, without a traditional statue on top. It was erected a year after the Great Plague in the place of former pillory. The inhabitants of the town held a church celebration at the Trinity Column in 1681 to commemorate the end of the plague epidemic. Statues of St. Florian, St. Bartholomew, St. Lawrence, St. St. Joseph, St. Anthony of Padua, St. John of Nepomuk and St. John the Baptist was added between 1724-1726 as a response to another wave of plague in 1713. The statue of the Virgin Mary Immaculata was completed in 1775. Statues of St. St. Anthony of Padua and patron saint of the town Bartholomew do not come from the original ensemble. Period paintings on metal with motifs of the Holy Trinity are now part of the collection of the Museum in Rumburk. In 1996 the plague column underwent reconstruction.

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