MD. Jiří Benda

3/5 based on 5 reviews

Contact MD. Jiří Benda

Address :

Lidická 335, 150 00 Praha 5-Smíchov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7987
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Categories :
City : Praha 5 Smíchov

Lidická 335, 150 00 Praha 5-Smíchov, Czechia
Jakub Hejma on Google

Michal Balín on Google

Ray Baseley on Google

Pana doktora mi doporucila pritelkyne, kazdopadne i tak jsem sla na vytrzeni zubu moudrosti s panickou hruzou, pan doktor se sestrickou jsou velmi mile bytosti, kez by byl kazdy clovek takovy, ted uz se trhani zubu nebojim, pana doktora bych uz za jineho stomatloga nevymenila a i kdyz nespolupracuje s pojistovnou a vse si hradim sama s takovym pristupem si s radosti priplatim, protoze to za to stoji, pan doktor je totiz velmi sikovny a ve svem oboru profesional a sestricka moc mila, brzy musim jit na druhy zub moudrosti a jiz se nebojim, jelikoz vim ze zde jsem v nejlepsich rukou, dekuji timto za vse
My doctor was recommended to me by a friend, in any case I still wanted to pull out a wisdom tooth with panic horror, Mr. Doctor and a nurse are very nice beings, if every person would be like that, now I'm not afraid to pull a tooth, I wouldn't exchange the doctor for another dentist. even if he does not cooperate with the insurance company and I pay for everything myself with such an approach, I will gladly pay extra, because it is worth it, because the doctor is very skilful and very nice in his field of professional and nurse, I soon have to go to the second wisdom tooth and I'm not afraid, because I know that I am in the best hands here, I thank you for everything
Sergius Strukov on Google

Врач не професиональный, рекомендует не традиционную медецину, цены ну просто очено завышены. Я получил очень негативный опыт с этим врачем, пришелось переделывать его ошибки в другой зубной клинике.
The doctor is not professional, recommends not traditional medetsinu, prices are well just overrated. I got a very negative experience with this doctor, I had to redo his mistakes in another dental clinic.
Larisa Lezhneva on Google

Měla jsem špatnou zkušenost s Dr. Bendou. Za instalaci implantátu jsem zaplatil spoustu peněz. Po dvou týdnech vypadl. Nebyla mi nabídnuta reinstalace, a nebyla mi odškodněna. Velmi sebevědomý a drahý doktore. Rozhodně nedoporučuji. Ztráta časů a peníze.
I had a bad experience with Dr. Bendou. I paid a lot of money to install the implant. He dropped out after two weeks. I was not offered a reinstallation, and was not compensated. Very confident and dear doctor. Definitely not recommended. Waste of time and money.

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