Městské opevnění

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Contact Městské opevnění

Address :

Radniční, 357 33 Loket, Czechia

Categories :
City : Loket

Radniční, 357 33 Loket, Czechia
Josephus ! on Google

jiří Schrader on Google

Lenka Linhartová on Google

Veronika C on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

Středověké městské opevnění v Lokti je částečně dochované, a jeho citlivě rekonstruované zbytky najdete nad ohyby Ohře od mostu Císaře Ferdinanda až za Robičskou věž na jižní straně města. Od roku 1958 je opevnění chráněno jako kulturní památka České republiky. Existence loketských předměstí je doložena roku 1308, kdy byl Loket již uváděn jako město. Starší opevnění bylo zdokonalováno. V letech 1434 až 1547 byl Loket zastaven Šlikům a město s výjimkou severní strany obklopilo parkánové opevnění s mohutnými dělostřeleckými baštami a nakonec byla postavena hlavní městská brána. K dalšímu posílení fortifikace došlo během třicetileté války. Roku 1663 se stal Loket pevnostním městem a tento status však město ztratilo koncem 18. století. Části opevnění byly postupně zbourány, roku 1835 zanikla podstatná část pevnostního systému hlavní městské brány. Rekonstruované části hradeb dávají představu o starém fortifikačním systému města. Projít si je můžete od silničního mostu v ulici T. G. Masaryka podél jižního svahu města, kolem Robičské věže a pokračovat až k bastionu východně od ní. The medieval town fortification of Loket is partially preserved, and it´s sensitively restored remains can be found above the Ohře bends from the Emperor Ferdinand Bridge to the Robičská Tower on the south side of the city. Since 1958 the fortification has been protected as a cultural monument of the Czech Republic. The existence of Loket suburbs is documented in 1308, when Loket was already mentioned as a town. The older fortifications had been refined. In the years 1434 to 1547 Loket was stopped by the Šlik´s family, and the town, except for the northern side, surrounded the fortification parks with massive artillery bastions and eventually the main city gate was built. Further strengthening of the fortification took place during the Thirty Years' War. Loket became a fortress town in 1663, but this status was lost to the town at the end of the 18th century. Parts of the fortifications were gradually demolished, a substantial part of the fortress system of the main city gate disappeared in 1835. The reconstructed parts of the walls give an idea of the old fortification system of the city. You can pass it from the road bridge in the TG Masaryk street along the southern slope of the town, around the Robičská Tower and continue to the bastion east of the tower.
The medieval city fortifications in Loket are partially preserved, and its sensitively reconstructed remains can be found above the bends of the Ohře River from the Emperor Ferdinand Bridge to the Robotic Tower on the south side of the town. Since 1958, the fortifications have been protected as a cultural monument of the Czech Republic. The existence of the Loket suburbs is documented in 1308, when Loket was already mentioned as a town. The older fortifications were improved. In the years 1434 to 1547, Loket was stopped by the Šlik family and the town, with the exception of the northern side, was surrounded by a fence fortification with massive artillery bastions, and finally the main town gate was built. The fortification was further strengthened during the Thirty Years' War. In 1663, Loket became a fortress town and the town lost this status at the end of the 18th century. Parts of the fortifications were gradually demolished, in 1835 a substantial part of the fortification system of the main city gate disappeared. The reconstructed parts of the walls give an idea of ​​the old fortification system of the city. You can walk them from the road bridge in T. G. Masaryka Street along the southern slope of the city, around the Robičská Tower and continue to the bastion east of it. The medieval town fortification of Loket is partially preserved, and it´s sensitively restored remains can be found above the Ohře bends from the Emperor Ferdinand Bridge to the Robičská Tower on the south side of the city. Since 1958 the fortification has been protected as a cultural monument of the Czech Republic. The existence of Loket suburbs is documented in 1308, when Loket was already mentioned as a town. The older fortifications had been refined. In the years 1434 to 1547 Loket was stopped by the Šlik´s family, and the town, except for the northern side, surrounded the fortification parks with massive artillery bastions and eventually the main city gate was built. Further strengthening of the fortification took place during the Thirty Years' War. Loket became a fortress town in 1663, but this status was lost to the town at the end of the 18th century. Parts of the fortifications were gradually demolished, a substantial part of the fortress system of the main city gate disappeared in 1835. The reconstructed parts of the walls give an idea of ​​the old fortification system of the city. You can pass it from the road bridge in the TG Masaryk street along the southern slope of the town, around the Robičská Tower and continue to the bastion east of the tower.
Martin on Google

Dochované středověké opevnění v Lokti je od roku 1958 chráněno jako kulturní památka České republiky.
The preserved medieval fortifications in Loket have been protected since 1958 as a cultural monument of the Czech Republic.

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