Miroslav Čevela - sale and installation of Parrot handsfree

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Miroslav Čevela - sale and installation of Parrot handsfree

Address :

Rohatecká 24, 158 00 Praha 5, Czechia

Website : https://www.telcar.cz/handsfree-do-auta-s-montazi/
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
Saturday Closed
Categories :
City : Praha

Rohatecká 24, 158 00 Praha 5, Czechia
Standa Hájek on Google

Velmi ochotný,šikovný.Mohu jen doporučit!!!
Very helpful, handy. I can only recommend !!!
O V on Google

Perfektní servis, výborná komunikace a ochota řešit problémy / reklamace. Rozumné ceny
Perfect service, excellent communication and willingness to solve problems / complaints. Reasonable prices
Jakub Korbelar on Google

profesionalni prace, prijemny pristup k zakaznikovi, rychlost vyrizeni objednavky vcetne samotne montaze, slusna cena. doporucuji
professional work, pleasant approach to the customer, speed of order processing, including the assembly itself, fair price. doporucuji
Martin Kuděla on Google

Rychlé a vstřícné jednání. Odborník. Čistá práce. Velmi nápomocný.
Fast and accommodating action. Expert. Clean work. Very helpful.
Zdeněk Samohýl on Google

Perfektní komunikace , rychlá oprava a vysvětlení problému. Vše přesně dle dohody, naprostá spokojenost
Perfect communication, quick correction and explanation of the problem. Everything exactly according to the agreement, complete satisfaction
Jiří Koníř on Google

Skvělá cena, perfektní domluva, rychlost a přístup.
Great price, perfect agreement, speed and access.
Honza Kabeš on Google

Bezproblemova domluva, rychla a kvalitni prace. Montaz v zaparkovanem aute u me pred kancelari. Kdyz jsem videl tu kupu kabelu v baleni, sly na me mdloby. Rychle jsem ho zavrel a s klidem predal panu Cevelovi, ktery si se vsim hrave poradil a do 2 hodin mi predaval klicky od auta a mohli jsme jit parovat telefon. Rozhodne mohu jen doporucit! Netrapte se s tim doma, kdyz to muzete prenechat s klidem profesionalovi. Rozhodne se nepovazuji za nesiku, naopak, avsak na toto jsem si pro usetreni nervu netroufal.
No problem, fast and quality work. Montaz in a parked car near me in front of the office. When I saw the pile of cables in the package, I heard fainting. I quickly closed it and calmly sold it to Mr. Cevelo, who easily handled all of them and within 2 hours he handed me the car keys and we could go on the phone. Definitely I can only recommend! Don't worry about it at home when you can leave it to a professional. Certainly I do not consider myself as nonsense, on the contrary, but for this I did not dare to save my nerve.
Daniel Kursa on Google

Pan Čevela je velmi ochotný a precizní, rád vyjde vstříc a doporučí produkt v nejlepším poměru cena/výkon. Vřele doporučuji.
Mr. Čevela is very helpful and precise, he is happy to meet his needs and recommend the product in the best price / performance ratio. I warmly recommend.

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