Nicotrans - Hlinská 457/2a

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Nicotrans

Address :

Hlinská 457/2a, 370 01 České Budějovice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +889
Postal code : 370
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City : České Budějovice

Hlinská 457/2a, 370 01 České Budějovice, Czechia
Tomáš Talpa on Google

Jak je Standa na myčce, tak se auto leskne jako nový ??
As Standa is in the car wash, the car shines like new ??
Matty Mejl on Google

Katastrofa. Novej chlap, linej se ohnout ke kolům a výsledek neumyté kola(pouze opláchnute vodou)..Bývá tu ženská která umeje i dveře že vnitr,schody,kola.. prostě si dá s autem praci. Bohužel jsem chytil blbou směnu..
Catastrophe. A new guy, bend over to the wheels and the result of an unwashed wheel (only rinsed with water) .. There is usually a woman who can do the door that the interior, stairs, wheels .. she just works with the car. Unfortunately, I caught a stupid shift ..
Jakub Štulíř on Google

Hoši mi pomohli, když jsem byl v nouzi. Nutno dodat, že bylo už dost po sedmé večer. Takže díky Hoši!
The boys helped me when I was in need. It must be added that it was enough after seven in the evening. So thanks Guys!
Piotr Kubisz on Google

Myjnia i pracujący tam ludzie, to nieporozumienie. Zleciłem umycie naczepy- chłodni w środku. Pani w biurze ( dodam, że obslugiwała "z łaską" )poinformowała mnie, iż mają tylko zimną wodę, ale mogą umyć z dezynfekcją. Zgodziłem się. Zainkasowano 847 Kč (142 PLN). "Umycie" ograniczyło się do opłukania ścian i podłogi wodą pod ciśnieniem- żadnego szamponu, żadnej chemi. Nawet drzwi od wewnątrz nie umyte. W Pradze za 25 € mamy pięknie umytą naczepę. Nie polecam, a wręcz odradzam! The wash and the people working there is a misunderstanding. I had the refrigerated semi-trailer washed inside. Woman in the office ( grumpy) informed me,they have cold water only, but could wash with disinfection. I agreed. 847 Kč (~33 €) was collected. "Washing" was limited to rinsing the walls and floor with pressurized water - no shampoo, no chemicals. Not even the inside door clean. In Prague, we have a beautifully washed trailer for € 25. I do not recommend, and even advise against!
The car wash and the people working there is a misunderstanding. I had the refrigerated semi-trailer washed inside. The lady in the office (let me add that she served it "with grace") informed me that they only had cold water, but they could wash with disinfection. I agreed. 847 Kč (142 PLN) was collected. "Washing" was limited to rinsing the walls and floor with pressurized water - no shampoo, no chemicals. Not even the inside door clean. In Prague, we have a beautifully washed trailer for € 25. I do not recommend, and even advise against! The wash and the people working there is a misunderstanding. I had the refrigerated semi-trailer washed inside. Woman in the office (grumpy) informed me, they have cold water only, but could wash with disinfection. I agreed. 847 Kč (~ 33 €) was collected. "Washing" was limited to rinsing the walls and floor with pressurized water - no shampoo, no chemicals. Not even the inside door clean. In Prague, we have a beautifully washed trailer for € 25. I do not recommend, and even advise against!
Ladislav Stárek on Google

Byt společnost může být skvělá tak nejvíce jsou vidět jejich kamiony a tudíž i řidiči. Bohužel jim jejich pracovníci nedělají dobre jméno. Bylo to po několikáté kdy řidič dokáže porušit takřka vše. Jako dnes ráno kdy vjel do zákazu vjezdu a to úmyslně i když jsem jej upozornil. Za to jsem dostal trubku. Aby ušetřil 5 minut a zajel si 2km. Komunikace je v některých místech provizorní a úzká tudíž podloží těmito řidiči dostává dost na frak.
The apartment company can be great so most are seen by their trucks and hence the drivers. Unfortunately, their workers don't make a name for them. It was several times when a driver could break almost everything. Like this morning when he drove into the entry ban and intentionally even though I warned him. I got a pipe for that. To save 5 minutes and drive 2km. Communication in some places is makeshift and the narrow subsoil of these drivers gets enough of a tail.
Agata Agitas on Google

Za mne vše v poho myčka TIR. Ochota.
TIR dishwasher for me. Willingness.
Rozálie Mayerová on Google

To co dnes k nám přijelo na Kaufland jako zavoz tak to byla opravdu parodie na pana řidiče, Externí dopravce Peha trade sro.
What came to us today at Kaufland as a carriage was really a parody of the driver, External carrier Peha trade sro.
Milan Bob on Google

Myčka naprostá katastrofa! Umyté jen na oko a to ještě špatně. Schválně jsem jel jen s tahačem stím že bude umyté vše. Kabina zezadu není nenamočena zadní světla neumyte nádrže neumyte zrcátka neumyte před vjezdem do myčky sem byl otazanzda umýt vše nebo jen standart tak sem samozřejmě chtěl vše v domeni lepší služby! NEDOPORUČUJI!
Dishwasher a complete disaster! Washed only on the eye and still bad. I deliberately drove only with a tractor, with everything washed. The cabin at the back is not soaked taillights do not wash the tanks do not wash the mirrors do not wash before entering the dishwasher I was here to wash everything or just a standard, so of course I wanted everything in the domain of better service! I DO NOT RECOMMEND!

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