Obecní Úřad Libice Nad Cidlinou

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Obec Libice nad Cidlinou - Oficiální stránka obce Libice nad Cidlinou - Libicenadcidlinou.cz

Obec Libice nad Cidlinou

Obec Libice nad Cidlinou - Oficiální stránka obce Libice nad Cidlinou - Libicenadcidlinou.cz

Upozornění pro nájemce hrobových míst - výsadba

16. 5. 2022

Upozornění pro nájemce hrobových míst týkající se zákazu výsadby stromů na hřbitovech.

Contact Obecní Úřad Libice Nad Cidlinou

Address :

Husova 4, 289 07 Libice nad Cidlinou, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Website : https://www.libicenadcidlinou.cz/
Categories :
City : Libice nad Cidlinou

Husova 4, 289 07 Libice nad Cidlinou, Czechia
Matyáš Čihák on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

Katastr obce byl osídlen již v době bronzové, což dokládají archeologické nálezy. Největšího rozmachu se obec dočkala v polovině 10. století, kdy na akropoli zdejšího hradiska sídlil knížecí rod Slavníkovců. První písemná zmínka o Libici je z roku 981 a pochází z Kosmovy kroniky české. Obec leží v nadmořské výšce 190 metrů nad mořem a dnes v ní žije zhruba 1300 obyvatel. Kromě areál slavníkovského hradiska tu najdete několik památníků, evangelický chrám i katolický kostel sv. Vojtěcha. Na návsi před budovou obecního úřadu je umístěn památník věnovaný památce bojovníka za pravdu Mistra Jana Husa. The area of the village was settled already in the Bronze Age, as evidenced by archaeological findings. The village boomed in the mid-10th century, when the princely family of Slavnikovci lived on the acropolis at the local fort. The first written mention of Libice dates back to 981 and comes from the Cosmas Chronicle of Bohemia. The village is situated at an altitude of 190 meters above sea level and nowadays about 1300 inhabitants live here. In addition to the grounds of the Slavník fortified settlement, you will also find several monuments, an evangelical temple and the Catholic Church of St. Vojtěch. On the village square in front of the municipal office building is a memorial stone of Master Jan Hus.
The cadastre of the village was inhabited as early as the Bronze Age, as evidenced by archaeological finds. The village experienced its greatest expansion in the middle of the 10th century, when the princely family of the Slavníkovec family lived on the acropolis of the local fort. The first written mention of Libice is from 981 and comes from Kosma's Czech chronicle. The village lies at an altitude of 190 meters above sea level and today has about 1,300 inhabitants. In addition to the Slavník fortified settlement, you will find several monuments, an evangelical church and the Catholic Church of St. Adalbert. A memorial dedicated to the memory of Master Jan Hus, a fighter for truth, is located on the square in front of the municipal office building. The area of ​​the village was settled already in the Bronze Age, as evidenced by archaeological findings. The village boomed in the mid-10th century, when the princely family of Slavnikovci lived on the acropolis at the local fort. The first written mention of Libice dates back to 981 and comes from the Cosmas Chronicle of Bohemia. The village is situated at an altitude of 190 meters above sea level and nowadays about 1300 inhabitants live here. In addition to the grounds of the Slavník fortified settlement, you will also find several monuments, an evangelical temple and the Catholic Church of St. Vojtech. On the village square in front of the municipal office building is a memorial stone of Master Jan Hus.

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