Kostel Evangelický

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Contact Kostel Evangelický

Address :

Husova 38, 289 07 Libice nad Cidlinou, Czechia

Categories :
City : Libice nad Cidlinou

Husova 38, 289 07 Libice nad Cidlinou, Czechia
Štěpánka Fialová on Google

Vojtěch Čejka on Google

Jana Krejčí on Google

Jan Zemánek on Google

David tryzubský on Google

Michal Vinduška on Google

Kostel sám osobě je moc krásný ale velice chátrá a je to spíše ostuda církve.
The church itself is very beautiful but very dilapidated and it is rather a shame of the church.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Novorenesanční kostel Českobratrské církve evangelické postavený roku 1896 podle projektu Č. Křičky nahradil původní libický toleranční kostel, který stál od roku 1793 na dnešní farské zahradě u cesty ke slavníkovskému hradišti. Kostel je dnes bohužel v dosti špatném stavu. The Neo-Renaissance Church of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren was built in 1896 according to the project of Č. Křiček and it replaced the original Libice Tolerance Church, which stood in 1793 on today's parish garden by the road to the Slavník hillfort. Unfortunately, the church is in rather poor condition today.
The neo-renaissance church of the Czech Brethren Evangelical Church, built in 1896 according to the project of Č. Unfortunately, the church is in a pretty bad condition today. The Neo-Renaissance Church of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren was built in 1896 according to the project of Č. Křiček and it replaced the original Libice Tolerance Church, which stood in 1793 on today's parish garden by the road to the Slavník hillfort. Unfortunately, the church is in rather poor condition today.
Radka P on Google

Kdysi to bývalo opečovávané místo, když se staral kostelník a hrobník František Pilný. Tráva vždy bývala posekána, plot se nerozpadal, omítka také ne a hlavně podle hodin se řídila celá vesnice, vždy šly přesně a tloukly i po čtvrthodinách. Toto bohužel již několik let nefunguje. Škoda, býval to opravdu krásný kostel, kde srdce zvonu tlouklo.
It used to be a well-groomed place when the churchman and gravedigger František Pilný took care of it. The grass has always been mowed, the fence has not fallen, the plaster has not, and most of the time, the whole village has been driven, and it has always been precise and beaten even for fifteen minutes. Unfortunately, this has not worked for several years. Too bad it used to be a really beautiful church where the bell's heart beat.

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