Potraviny Můj obchod

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Potraviny Můj obchod

Address :

Husova 137, 289 07 Libice nad Cidlinou, Czechia

Website : http://www.mujobchod.cz/
Categories :
City : Libice nad Cidlinou

Husova 137, 289 07 Libice nad Cidlinou, Czechia
Jaroslav Macháček on Google

Úplně normální obchod.
Totally normal business.
Ľubo Senko on Google

S cool
Iv Borovcová-Krausová on Google

Dostatečný sortiment zboží a prodávající má slušné vystupování.
Sufficient assortment of goods and the seller has a decent demeanor.
Tomáš Kovařík on Google

Čistý a dobře zásobený obchod s vždy milou obsluhu.
Clean and well stocked store with always friendly staff.
Jan Novák on Google

Parádní výběr asijských komprimátů všeho druhu, a to v takové obci jako je Libice nad Cidlinou. Palec horec.
Great selection of Asian compacts of all kinds, in a village like Libice nad Cidlinou. Thumb hot.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Prodejna potravin sídlí v domě hned vedle radnice, poblíž pomníku Zaslíbení svatého Vojtěcha Bohu. Najdete tu široký sortiment zboží – mléčné výrobky, ovoce, zeleninu, pečivo, uzeniny, lahůdky, ale také drogerii, prodej mraženého zboží, krmiv pro zvířata, papírnické zboží a další. V pracovním týdnu otevírají už o půl sedmé ráno. Mívají tu otevřeno i o víkendech a státních svátcích, což je hodně příjemné. The grocery store is located in the house next to the town hall, near the Promise of St. Adalbert to God. You will find a wide range of goods here - dairy products, fruits, vegetables, pastries, sausages, delicacies, but also a drugstore, the sale of frozen goods, animal feed, stationery and more. They open in the working week at half past seven in the morning. They are also open here on weekends and public holidays, which is very pleasant.
The grocery store is located in a house next to the town hall, near the monument to the Promise of St. Adalbert to God. Here you will find a wide range of goods - dairy products, fruits, vegetables, pastries, cold cuts, delicacies, but also drugstores, sales of frozen goods, animal feed, stationery and more. During the working week, they open at half past six in the morning. They are also open here on weekends and public holidays, which is very pleasant. The grocery store is located in the house next to the town hall, near the Promise of St. Adalbert to God. You will find a wide range of goods here - dairy products, fruits, vegetables, pastries, sausages, delicacies, but also a drugstore, the sale of frozen goods, animal feed, stationery and more. They open in the working week at half past seven in the morning. They are also open here on weekends and public holidays, which is very pleasant.
David tryzubský on Google

Prodejna pod vedením slušných Vietnamců, kde nabízí a seženete úplně vše. V objektu ve druhých dveřích se nachází kvalitní maso-uzeniny místního podnikatele( spekacky za mě top).
A store run by decent Vietnamese, where you can offer and get everything. In the building in the second door there is a quality meat-sausage of a local businessman (sinter for me top).
Josef Nykodym on Google


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