Ostrov Pond (Eiland's Pond)

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ostrov Pond (Eiland's Pond)

Address :

Ostrovský rybnik,, 403 36 Tisá, Czechia

City : Tisá

Ostrovský rybnik,, 403 36 Tisá, Czechia
Jiří Kelvicl on Google

V zimě jako v pohádce. Ale bydlet tady asi nee.
In winter like in a fairy tale. But I probably don't live here.
Petr Novotný on Google

Perfektní místo na odpočinek, krásná příroda, žádný signál:) Jen mě překvapila kvalita vody v rybníku, poprvé jsem ho viděl zelený.
Perfect place to relax, beautiful nature, no signal :) I was just surprised by the quality of the water in the pond, the first time I saw it green.
Miroslav Stalcer on Google

Krásné prostředí, voda chladnější, kemp par metrů. Za mě ?
Beautiful surroundings, water cooler, camping a few meters. For me ?
Junior on Google

Pequeno lago localizado em Ostrov, próximo ao hotel do mesmo nome. Lugar que transmite muita paz e tranquilidade, recomendo.
Small lake located in Ostrov, next to the hotel of the same name. Place that transmits a lot of peace and tranquility, I recommend.
Lubor Dolníček on Google

Nádherné romantické místo v údolí Tiských skal. Chráněná krajina Eiland, soustava rybníčků kaskádovitě seřazených, název myslím z původní německé osady která byla po válce z pochopitelných důvodů zrušena. Samotný rybníček je koupací s relativně čistou vodou nezničenou od milovníků Petrova cechu. Možnost vyřádění hlavně pro děti na které zde čekají pískové pláže. Vždy se sem budu rád vracet.
A beautiful romantic place in the valley of the Tiská rocks. Protected landscape Eiland, a system of ponds cascading, I think the name from the original German settlement which was abolished after the war for obvious reasons. The pond itself is a bathing area with relatively clean water, undamaged by lovers of Peter's guild. Possibility of disposal mainly for children who are waiting for sandy beaches. I will always be happy to return here.
Tomáš Krajčovič on Google

Pokud hledáte klid bez mobilního signálu, skvělé místo. Okolo spousta stezek mezi skalami. V létě túry v zimě běžky.
If you are looking for peace without a mobile signal, a great place. Around a lot of trails between the rocks. Summer hikes in winter cross-country skiing.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Osada Ostrov byla založena v 15. století jako jeden z mnoha hamrů v údolí říčky Bělé zpracovávajících železnou rudu. Když byla rudná ložiska v okolí Děčínského Sněžníku vytěžena, hamr se proměnil ve sklárnu. Vzhledem k malebné poloze vzniklo z osady v 19. století rušné letní sídlo, byly zde postaveny hotely a několik hostinců. Z hotelů a ubytoven vznikla po válce podniková rekreační střediska a většina obytných domů byla užívána jako rekreační chalupy. Dnes tu můžete využít i místa k letnímu koupání u zdejších rybníků s písečnou pláží a nádhernými výhledy do okolních pískovcových skal. Do osady Ostrov se nedostanete veřejnou dopravou. Nejbližší spojení autobusem je do 3 km vzdálené zastávky Jílové - Sněžník, restaurace Hraničář. The Ostrov settlement was founded in the 15th century as one of the many steel and blacksmith workshops in the Bela river valley processing iron ore. When the ore deposits near the Děčínský Sněžník were mined, the hammer turned into a glass mill. Due to the picturesque location, a summer residence was built in the 19th century with hotels and several inns. A business recreation centers were formed and most of the residential houses were used as holiday cottages after the war. Today you can enjoy the places for summer bathing with local ponds with a sandy beach and beautiful views of the surrounding sandstone rocks. You can not reach the Island by public transport. The closest bus connection is within 3 km away from Jílové - Sněžník stop, restaurant Hraničář.
The settlement of Ostrov was founded in the 15th century as one of many mills in the valley of the river Bělá processing iron ore. When the ore deposits in the vicinity of Děčínský Sněžník were mined, the mill turned into a glassworks. Due to the picturesque location, the settlement became a busy summer residence in the 19th century, hotels and several inns were built here. After the war, corporate recreation centers were created from hotels and hostels, and most residential houses were used as holiday cottages. Today you can also use the place for summer swimming at the local ponds with a sandy beach and beautiful views of the surrounding sandstone rocks. You can not get to the village of Ostrov by public transport. The nearest bus connection is within 3 km distant stop Jílové - Sněžník, restaurant Hraničář. The Ostrov settlement was founded in the 15th century as one of the many steel and blacksmith workshops in the Bela river valley processing iron ore. When the ore deposits near the Děčínský Sněžník were mined, the hammer turned into a glass mill. Due to the picturesque location, a summer residence was built in the 19th century with hotels and several inns. A business recreation centers were formed and most of the residential houses were used as holiday cottages after the war. Today you can enjoy the places for summer bathing with local ponds with a sandy beach and beautiful views of the surrounding sandstone rocks. You can not reach the Island by public transport. The closest bus connection is within 3 km away from Jílové - Sněžník stop, restaurant Hraničář.
Matouš Urbánek on Google

A charming place in a middle of Saxony sandstone rocks. Wonderful.

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