Párty Chodov

2.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Párty Chodov

Address :

Roztylská 2321/19, 148 00 Praha 4-Chodov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +777
Website : http://partyobchody.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha 4 Chodov

Roztylská 2321/19, 148 00 Praha 4-Chodov, Czechia
Klára Veselská on Google

3 slečny obědvající KFC za pultem jsem očividně vyrušovala, když si vychutnávaly oběd. Nechala jsem si nafouknout velké balonky heliem a bohužel už večer se začaly vyfukovat. Jeden nebyl ani pořádně nafouknutý. Výběr relativně velký, ale ceny o dost vyšší než jinde. Za mě stále nejlepší jezdit do Vršovic do Mojeparty.cz.
3 girls having lunch counter at KFC I obviously get interrupted while enjoying lunch. I kept inflate large balloons with helium and unfortunately the evening began to deflate. One wasn't really inflated. Choosing a relatively large but priced much higher than elsewhere. For me it is still best to go to Vršovice by Mojeparty.cz.
Daniil A on Google

Хотите удивить друзей на день рождения? Вам здесь с этим помогут.
Do you want to surprise your friends on their birthday? You will be helped here with this.
jitrnicka show on Google

Nepříjemná prodavačka. Reklamovali jsme jeden den starý balónek s héliem a prodavačka argumentovala a nechtěla jednat lidsky. Pak se ukázalo ze byl problem v balónku. Prodavačka zas argumentovala a bylo vidět, že se jí nechtělo pracovat.
Annoying saleswoman. We claimed a day old helium balloon and the saleswoman argued and did not want to act humanely. Then it turned out that there was a problem in the balloon. The saleswoman argued again, and it was clear that she didn't want to work.
Lucie Laib on Google

Hrůza, výběr barev klasických balonků asi 3-4 barvy, jako vážně?! Vybrali jsme tedy malé a velké. Balonky se vyzvedávali v 15h a už v 21h začali padat k zemi. Rozhodně NEDOPORUČUJI. Doplnění recenze: Jak by podle Vás asi mělo být s balónky zacházeno?! Byli autem převezeny domů, kde viseli, jak vidíte dle fotky.
Horror, color choice of classic balloon about 3-4 colors like really ?! We chose therefore small and large. The balloons were picked up at 3 pm and already at 9 pm they began to fall to the ground. Definitely recommended. Supplementing Review: How do you think about be with balloons treated ?! They were transported home by car, where they hung, as you can see from the photo.
Filip Mestanek on Google

Nevidim moznost jak hodnotit obchod na Zlicine, tak to davam sem. Cekat 40 min na jeden balonek mi prijde opravdu jako drzost. Ve fronte bylo 5 lidi predemnou. Mate to zrychlit.
I don't see the possibility of evaluating the business in Zlicin, so I'm putting it here. Waiting 40 minutes for one balloon really feels like impudence. There were 5 people in the queue. You have to speed it up.
Anthony Dwayne on Google

Slečnu (blonďatou s tetováním) za pokladnou její práce očividně hrozně baví a ochota z ní vyloženě vyzařuje. Oslavy a dobrá nálada nebude její nejsilnější stránka, škoda, že pracuje zrovna v párty obchodě :D Nedejbože abyste po ní náhodou chtěli poradit, to vás svým otráveným pohledem vyžene z obchodu velice rychle :D
The young lady (blonde with a tattoo) obviously enjoys her work at the cash register and her willingness radiates. Celebrations and good mood will not be her strongest point, it's a pity that she works in a party shop: D Don't worry, if you happen to want to advise her, it will drive you out of the shop very quickly with its annoyed look: D
Will San on Google

Good options for items, but the service was really bad even for Czech standards. I wouldn’t recommend it, unless you really need something from there, or if you are already at the mall. Really struggling with my bad Czech to get something I badly needed, clerk was cooperative but made pretty clear she couldn’t give less of a darn.
Carine Osusky on Google

I was there today 20 April approximately 4pm and had the RUDEST lady. I purchased fireman Sam cups and plates for kids and I notice that they had balloon sets for other themes ie Cars, Paw Patrol etc so I had a look for fireman Sam and couldn’t find. So I asked the lady IN CZECH whether they had fireman Sam balloon set and she responded “nevim” (I don’t know). Didn’t bother to help me or suggest anything. She was so so rude, I don’t understand how people like her have a job, the market is full of people looking for jobs so get rid of rude people like her and hire someone who actually wants to be there and makes the shopping experience nice.

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