Pharmacy METRO Petřiny

3.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pharmacy METRO Petřiny

Address :

Čílova 303, 162 00 Praha 6-Veleslavín, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +88
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha 6 Veleslavín

Čílova 303, 162 00 Praha 6-Veleslavín, Czechia
Natella Svobodova on Google

Nejhorší zážitek.
The worst experience.
Josef Fedák on Google

Otevírací doba zde uvedená je jiná, než je ve skutečnosti! Neskutečná ztráta času..
The opening hours shown here are different than in reality! An incredible waste of time ..
Ondřej Filípek on Google

Prijemna lekarna. Obcas nevi co poradit. Ovsem na homeopatika jsou vyborny. Skoda ze jsou v patre a dostupnost je jen vytahem. A skoda ze maji otevreno jen ve vsedni den.
Prijemna lekarna. Sometimes he doesn't know what to do. However, homeopathics are excellent. Too bad they are on the floor and availability is just a lift. And it is a pity that they are open only on a high day.
Habicek on Google

Katastrofa!Paní lékárnice je tam sama a je z toho na nervy.Jakym způsobem jedna s lidma je děs. Už nikdy vice
Disaster! The lady pharmacist is there alone and she's annoyed. How one of the people is terrible. Nevermore
Aneta Jordáková on Google

Nejhorší lékárna, kterou jsem kdy navštívila. Čekala jsem čtvrt hodiny, než se paní lékarnice vypovídá s paní přede mnou a nakonec jsem musela odejít, protože bych čekala asi až do zavíračky.
The worst pharmacy I've ever visited. I waited a quarter of an hour for the lady pharmacist to speak to the lady in front of me, and finally I had to leave because I would probably wait until the close.
Martin Hak on Google

Slouží výhradně přilehlé ordinaci - tedy ve smyslu praktickém. Můžete sem kdykoliv, ale asi se to nevyplatí.
It serves exclusively the adjacent surgery - in practical terms. You can come here anytime, but it probably doesn't pay off.
Studio Profi on Google

Neochota , příšerné zásobení lékárny vůbec nevedou testy na covod-proč taky,že?
Reluctance, the terrible supply of the pharmacy does not lead to covod tests at all - why not?
A A on Google

Very nice pharmacy near my home. Employers speak English and most of the time they have medicine that i need, sometimes they didn’t have, but they ordered and it was delivered next day.

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