Piaristická kolej

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Piaristická kolej

Address :

Masarykovo nám. 1, 256 01 Benešov, Czechia

Website : http://www.farnost-benesov.cz/
Categories :
City : Benešov

Masarykovo nám. 1, 256 01 Benešov, Czechia
Jaroslav Rosol on Google

filip 97 on Google

Jarmila Brejšková on Google

Jan Kruliš on Google

PKnoflik on Google

Dýchá na vás minulost...a vzbuzuje pokoru, která mnohým lidem chybí...
It breathes the past into you ... and arouses the humility that many people lack ...
Ivo Postránecky on Google

pěkné místí, neudržované a hlavně nefunkční, škoda.
nice place, unkempt and mainly non-functional, shame.
Michaela Voldrichova on Google

Konference rane péče s opravdu zajímavým programem. Skvělá spolupráce všech mistnich pomáhajících profesí. A pozir na syndrom vyhoření. ?
Early care conference with a really interesting program. Great cooperation of all local helping professions. And look at the burnout. ?
Vladimir Pecha on Google

O povolání piaristů usiloval již na sklonku 70. let 17. století Jiří Ludvík ze Sinzendorfu, úspěšný však byl až jeho nástupce František Karel Leopold Přehořovský na počátku století nadcházejícího. Piaristická kolej byla postavena roku 1708 spolu s kostelem svaté Anny v jihozápadním cípu Masarykova náměstí. Součástí areálu je i studna uprostřed rajského dvora, brána při hlavním průčelí kostela a zeď zahrady. V koleji byla umístěna velká knihovna, refektář a místnosti pro ubytování učitelů i studentů. Za povšimnutí stojí také samotný Rajský dvůr se slunečními hodinami. Jiří Ludvík of Sinzendorf was among the first ones who wanted to bring Piarists to town at the end of the 1770s, but only his successor František Karel Leopold Přehořovský at the beginning of the upcoming century was successful. The Piarist College was built in 1708 along with St. Anne's Church in the southwestern corner of Masaryk Square. There is also a well in the middle of the cloister garden, a gate at the main facade of the church as well as a wall of the garden worth seeing and creating a valuable complex. There was a large library, refectory and rooms for teachers and students at the piarist school.
Jiří Ludvík of Sinzendorf sought the profession of Piarists at the end of the 1770s, but his successor František Karel Leopold Přehořovský at the beginning of the upcoming century was successful. The Piarist College was built in 1708 along with St. Anne's Church in the southwestern corner of Masaryk Square. There is also a well in the middle of the paradise, a gate at the main facade of the church and a wall of the garden. There was a large library, refectory and rooms for teachers and students. It is also worth noting the Paradise Court itself with a sundial. Jiří Ludvík of Sinzendorf was among the first ones who wanted to bring Piarists to the town in the end of the 1770s, but only his successor František Karel Leopold Přehořovský at the beginning of the upcoming century was successful. The Piarist College was built in 1708 along St. St. Anne's Church in southwestern corner of Masaryk Square. There is also a cloister garden in the middle and a gate at the main facade of the church as well as a wall of the garden worth seeing and creating a valuable complex. There was a large library, refectory and rooms for teachers and students at the piarist school.

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