Pravoslavný monastýr sv. Václava a sv. Ludmily - Plzeňská 51

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Pravoslavný monastýr sv.Václava a sv.Ludmily
Plzeňská 51,
267 12 Loděnice u Berouna
Czech Republic

Contact Pravoslavný monastýr sv. Václava a sv. Ludmily

Address :

Plzeňská 51, 267 12 Loděnice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +777
Postal code : 267
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Categories :
City : Loděnice

Plzeňská 51, 267 12 Loděnice, Czechia
Martin Sokol on Google

Klášter Pravoslavné církve. Doporučuji navštívit.
Monastery of the Orthodox Church. I recommend to visit.
Spyridon Boanerges on Google

Jedno z mála míst v ČR, kde můžete koupit pravoslavné ikony a církevní věci.
One of the few places in the Czech Republic where you can buy Orthodox icons and church items.
Natalia Nikiforova on Google

Чистое духовное место. Батюшка "настоящий". Его проповеди трогают за душу и хочется быть лучше и все исправить в жизни. Спасибо ему и матушке игуменье с сёстрами.
A clean spiritual place. Father is "real". His sermons touch the soul and one wants to be better and fix everything in life. Thanks to him and to mother abbess and sisters.
Eva Jordan on Google

Nádherná energie obklopuje budovu Pravoslavného monastýru sv. Václava a sv. Ludmily, který vznikl rozsáhlou rekonstrukcí novorenesanční vily zvané Zámek Vinice. Tu nechal postavit pražský hoteliér Antonín Cívka v roce 1873. Dnes budova září do okolí nejen svojí obnovenou krásou, ale i využitím.
Beautiful energy surrounds the building of the Orthodox monastery of St. Wenceslas and St. Ludmila, which was created by extensive reconstruction of a neo-Renaissance villa called Chateau Vinice. It was built by Prague hotelier Antonin Cívka in 1873. Today, the building shines around its renewed beauty, but also use.
Antonino Attesti on Google

Ci trovavamo di passaggio e abbiamo deciso di fermarci in questo monastero ortodosso. Siamo entrati ovviamente è richiesto un un'abbigliamento consono. Ci siamo fermati ad ammirare le icone della cappella e il Soave profumo di incenso. Merita una visita anche per un piccolo momento di solitudine.
We were passing through and decided to stop in this Orthodox monastery. We entered obviously a suitable clothing is required. We stopped to admire the icons of the chapel and the sweet scent of incense. Worth a visit even for a little moment of solitude.
Zuzana Matuskova on Google

Je to krásný zámek, ale nevím v čem spočívá tato víra? Zda podporuje nenávist k lidem, či nenávistné ke všem kdo nejsou pravoslavni, protože mírumilovně se teda opravdu lidé z tohoto zámku nechovají!!!!!!! Pri pouštění letadla se 7mi letým synem kdy jsme jej pouštěli na "jejich^parkovisti na nás přišly se dvěma psy!!!!! to je opravdu dost nemistne nehlede na to , že by měli být vděční, za naší zem a chovat se s úctou k našim lidem, bez kterých by umírali na hlad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! S takovýmto jednáním jsem se nesetkal s ani u těch největších zlodějů, alkoholiku, bezdomovců, či jiných podobne " bezboznych" lidi. Co nám tedy ukazuje církev? Na to ať si každý zodpovi sam
It's a beautiful castle, but I don't know what this faith is? Whether it supports hatred of people or hatred of all those who are not Orthodox, because people from this castle really do not behave peacefully !!!!!!! When flying a plane with a 7-year-old son when we dropped him off at "their ^ parking lots came to us with two dogs !!!!! to our people, without whom they would die of starvation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like "godless" people, so what does the church show us?
Марина Гросич on Google

Я Розчарована?! Ходила в цей монастирь постійно, кожний праздник і кожну неділю. І тепер в такий страшний час, коли на нашій землі в Україні йде війна, коли весь світ коліно-приклонно молится за примирення наших братів, щоб зупинити цю війну. Коли дуже багато прийшо людей до цього монастиря в цю неділю щоб помолитись -а"монастирь" Лоденіце навіть не згадав за війну не те, щоб помолитись. Це єдине місце напевно в Чехії де не молились. І скажіть мені будь ласка, яка може бути тут Божа Благодать?! БОГ все бачить. БОГ ВАМ СУДДЯ!!!?
I'm Disappointed?! I went to this monastery constantly, every holiday and every Sunday. And now at such a terrible time, when there is a war on our land in Ukraine, when the whole world is kneeling and praying for the reconciliation of our brothers to stop this war. When many people came to this monastery this Sunday to pray - the "monastery" of Lodenice did not even mention the war to pray. This is probably the only place in the Czech Republic where they did not pray. And tell me please, what can be God's Grace here ?! GOD sees everything. GOD JUDGE YOU !!! ?
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Neorenesanční zámek si na okraji obce nechal postavit pražský podnikatel Antonín Cífka v roce 1873. Později v sousedství založil vinice a vybudoval tenisový kurt, který byl údajně vůbec prvním v Čechách. Po první světové válce objekt přestal sloužit svému účelu, byla tu stáčírna likérů, misijní škola a kanceláře. Po té druhé začal chátrat. Roku 2010 jej koupil ruský majitel, zámek zrekonstruoval na ženský pravoslavný klášter sv. Václava a Ludmily. Čirou náhodou jsem dorazil v době bohoslužby a nahlédl dovnitř, kde byly pouze tři kněží vykonávající obřad. Jinak nikdo. Byl to zvláštní pocit... The Neo-Renaissance chateau was built on the outskirts of the village by the Prague businessman Antonín Cífka in 1873. Later he established vineyards in the neighbourhood and built a tennis court, which is said to be the first in Bohemia. After the First World War, the building ceased to serve its purpose and was used as a liquor bottling plant, a mission school and offices. After the Second World War, it began to deteriorate. In 2010 it was bought by a Russian owner, who renovated the castle into a women's Orthodox monastery of St. Wenceslas and Ludmilla. By sheer coincidence, I arrived at the time of the service and peeked inside, where there were only three priests performing the ceremony. No one else. It was pretty strange feeling...
The Neo-Renaissance chateau was built on the outskirts of the village by the Prague businessman Antonín Cífka in 1873. Later, he established vineyards in the neighborhood and built a tennis court, which was allegedly the first in Bohemia. After the First World War, the building ceased to serve its purpose, there was a liquor bottling plant, a mission school and offices. After the second, he began to decay. In 2010 it was bought by a Russian owner, the chateau was reconstructed into a female Orthodox monastery of St. Václav and Ludmila. By pure chance, I arrived during the service and peered inside, where there were only three priests performing the ceremony. Otherwise no one. It was a strange feeling ... The Neo-Renaissance chateau was built on the outskirts of the village by the Prague businessman Antonín Cífka in 1873. Later he established vineyards in the neighborhood and built a tennis court, which is said to be the first in Bohemia. After the First World War, the building ceased to serve its purpose and was used as a liquor bottling plant, a mission school and offices. After the Second World War, it began to deteriorate. In 2010 it was bought by a Russian owner, who renovated the castle into a women's Orthodox monastery of St. Wenceslas and Ludmilla. By sheer coincidence, I arrived at the time of the service and peeked inside, where there were only three priests performing the ceremony. No one else. It was pretty strange feeling ...

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