Písek - Hlavní nádraží 308

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Písek

Address :

Hlavní nádraží 308, 397 01

Postal code : 397
Categories :
City : Písek

Hlavní nádraží 308, 397 01
Roman France on Google

Dnes jsem chtěl odjet kolem druhé hodiny měl jet vlak ve 14:02 aktuální zpožděním 2 minuty takže jsem tam chvilku po 14:02 a pár vterin vlak samozřejmě přijel dřív Teď mi nevadí ale když se teprve rozjíždí a já stojím u toho vlaku nejsou nejsem ochotný vůbec zastavit průvodčí na to kouká jakoby nic když už tak nebyl tak rozjetý jako kdyby nemohl zastavit to je přesná ochota ČSAD tím pádem já jedu teď za rodinou a Znamená to že v Plzni budu muset jít pěšky 20 km protože nestíhám spoji zadruhé všichni máme teď povinnost nosit roušky skoro na každém nádraží co jsem byl tak si průvodčí vyjdou jako kdyby něco Bezoušek bez ničeho Hlavně že na mě čumí jak tam dobíhá tak je asi jasný že že zrovna je to důležité abych ho stihl kouká na mě on řidič mi určitě viděl protože nebyl tak rozjetý byl teprve se rozjížděli stačil by to vybrzdit mohl jsem jen tak nastoupit ochota 60ebila jenom že čumí a nic víc
Today I wanted to leave around two o'clock I had to leave the train at 14:02 current delay 2 minutes so I was there a while after 14:02 and a few seconds the train of course arrived earlier Now I don't mind but when it's just starting and I'm standing by the train I'm not willing stop at all the guide looks at it as if nothing if he was not so driven as if he could not stop it is the exact willingness of ČSAD so I go to the family now and it means that in Pilsen I will have to walk 20 km wear veils at almost every station I've been to, so the guides will come out as if something Bezoušek without nothing so it's probably clear that it's just important that I catch him looking at me, the driver must have seen me because he wasn't so driven he was just leaving
Michal Fořt on Google

Spousta památek. Nejstarší Kamenný most v Česku
Lots of sights. The oldest stone bridge in the Czech Republic
Pidjej Neo on Google

Spousta památek a vyžití pro děti a veřejnost Jediné negativní zkušenost je ostuda plavecký bazén
Lots of sights and activities for children and the public The only negative experience is the disgrace of the swimming pool
Martin Lédl (PolitoniX) on Google

Ta bezzubá taška co si tam hraje na sekuriťáka dostane příště facky
The toothless bag he plays at the security guard gets slapped next time
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Písecké nádraží bylo vybudováno jako součást projektu společnosti Rakovnicko-protivínská dráha. Projekt prosadilo město Písek, protože tehdy vznikající Dráha císaře Františka Josefa z Českých Budějovic do Plzně se městu vyhýbala (vede přes nedaleký Protivín). Cihlová výpravní budova vznikla podle typizovaného stavebního návrhu. V prosinci 1875 byl s místním nádražím uveden do provozu celý nový úsek trasy z Protivína do Zdic, o rok později trať pokračovala přes Beroun a Nižbor až do Rakovníka. Stanice leží přibližně kilometr od městského centra. Můžete tu platit platební kartou i v eurech, je zde půjčovna kol. Přístup do staniční budovy ani na nástupiště není bezbariérový. Písek railway station was built as part of the Rakovník-Protivín railway project. It was promoted mainly by the city of Písek, because the then emerging Railway of Emperor Franz Josef from České Budějovice to Pilsen avoided the city (it leads through the nearby Protivín). The brick station building was created according to a standardized construction design. In December 1875, a whole new section of the route from Protivín to Zdice was put into operation with the local railway station, a year later the line continued through Beroun and Nižbor to Rakovník. The station is located approximately one kilometer from the city center. You can pay by credit card in euros, there is also a bicycle rental here. Access to the station building or to the platform is not barrier-free.
Písek railway station was built as part of the Rakovnicko-protivínská dráha project. The project was promoted by the city of Písek, because the then emerging Railway of Emperor Franz Josef from České Budějovice to Pilsen avoided the city (it leads through the nearby Protivín). The brick station building was created according to a standardized construction design. In December 1875, a whole new section of the route from Protivín to Zdice was put into operation with the local railway station, a year later the line continued through Beroun and Nižbor to Rakovník. The station is located approximately one kilometer from the city center. You can pay by credit card in euros, there is a bicycle rental. Access to the station building or to the platform is not barrier-free. Písek railway station was built as part of the Rakovník-Protivín railway project. It was promoted mainly by the city of Písek, because the then emerging Railway of Emperor Franz Josef from České Budějovice to Pilsen avoided the city (it leads through the nearby Protivín). The brick station building was created according to a standardized construction design. In December 1875, a whole new section of the route from Protivín to Zdice was put into operation with the local railway station, a year later the line continued through Beroun and Nižbor to Rakovník. The station is located approximately one kilometer from the city center. You can pay by credit card in euros, there is also a bicycle rental here. Access to the station building or to the platform is not barrier-free.
Laconi150 on Google

Az se budete pohybovat v prostoru nadrazi, davejte pozor kudy chodite. Na nadrazi "vladne" primitivni clen security, ktery nedostatek inteligence nahrazuje vulgarnim, arogantnim a povyseneckym chovanim, jako by mu patrilo minimalne cele mesto Pisek. Toto individuum dela ostudu nejen zeleznici, ale i celemu mestu.
When you move in the area of ​​the station, pay attention to where you go. At the station, he "reigns" a primitive member of security, who replaces the lack of intelligence with vulgar, arrogant and uplifting behavior, as if he owned at least the entire city of Pisek. This individual is a disgrace not only to the railways, but also to the whole city.
Petra Lédlová on Google

Co to tam zaměstnáváte za bezzubýho šmejda? Pokud si myslí , že tam bude slovně napadat mladý páry , tak ať se těší na pořádnou nakládačku.
What kind of toothless bastard do you employ there? If he thinks young couples will verbally attack there, then let him look forward to a good load.
Jirka Just on Google

Main train station in Pisek

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