Pizza Company

3.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pizza Company

Address :

Brunclíkova 1720, 162 00 Praha 6-Břevnov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +79
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City : Praha 6 Břevnov

Brunclíkova 1720, 162 00 Praha 6-Břevnov, Czechia
Jan Hopp on Google

Výborná, rychle dělaná pizza. Pro rychlé zahnání hladu naprosto ideální. Obsluha občas trochu svéráznější, ale vždy příjemná s ochotná. Pokud nemáte čas zajít někam na oběd, určitě doporučuji
Delicious, fast-paced pizza. Absolutely ideal for a quick cessation of hunger. The service is sometimes a little quirky, but always pleasant and helpful. If you do not have time to go somewhere for lunch, I definitely recommend
Šimon Černovous on Google

Opravdu otřesný přístup personálu, rozumím tomu že se vám takhle na večer nechce mluvit s zákazníky nebo vyjít vstříc. Ale pokud je to opravdu tak velký problém..tak si najdete jinou práci, pevně věřím že se vedení této společnosti pokusí napravit, a změní nebo uvědomí personál v ohledech komunikace, jakmile je zde mladý klucina, tak vše probíhá skvěle a pizza je dobrá, jakmile je zde druhá směna s postarší paní, tak naprosto otřesné. Dvě hvězdy dávám převážně protože spálená pizza která tam leží už tak dva dny opravdu nemá stát 35 korun, i když to není moc.. stále se u konkurence dá koupit lepší i za 25 :) (Směna která byla 17. března na večer měla skvělou pizzu) proto je mi líto že i tímto dávám špatné hodnocení i jim.
Really appalling attitude of the staff, I understand that you don't want to talk to customers or meet you like this in the evening. But if it's really such a big problem ... then you'll find another job, I firmly believe that the management of this company will try to fix it and change or inform the staff in terms of communication, as soon as there is a young boy, everything goes great and pizza is good, as soon as there is a second shift with an elderly lady, so absolutely appalling. I give two stars mostly because the burnt pizza that has been lying there for about two days really doesn't cost 35 crowns, even though it's not much .. you can still buy better from the competition for 25 :) (The shift that was on the evening of March 17 had a great pizza) that's why I'm sorry that I give them a bad rating too.
Veronika Pechátová on Google

U odberu sebou pizza studena, bez jakekoliv snahy o ohrati. Jedna hvezdicka za slaninovou pizzu s hermelinem, vlaznou. Studena syrova pizza jak guma, chut studene salamove prehlusovalo pridane koreni, coz bylo rovnez u studene sunkove. Pri platbe stravenkami nasladovalo vulgarni mluva personalu mezi sebou:"Ty vole to je zase kseft stoleti, 300 cennejma papirama." Nutno podoktknout ze pul hodiny pred zavirackou mate byt vubec radi ze napecene kousky pizzy vubec prodate. Vasi zamestnanci byli vulgarni, proc teda ty stravenky berete, kdyz je na to takova reakce? Plus nam zamerne prodali vetsi krabici nez bylo nutne.
When taking pizza with you cold, without any effort to heat. One star for bacon pizza with camembert, lukewarm. Cold raw pizza like gum, the taste of cold salami drowned out the added spice, which was also with cold ham. When paying with meal vouchers, the vulgar language of the staff sweetened among themselves: "Dude, it's another century of centuries, 300 valuable papers." It is necessary to say that half an hour before the closing time you should be happy to sell baked pieces of pizza at all. Your employees were vulgar, so why do you take those meal vouchers when there is such a reaction? Plus, they deliberately sold us a bigger box than necessary.
Maroš Konár on Google

Dobrý den Pizza Company. Dnes jsem objednával 2x pizzu a jedna s ananasem pro dítě. Objednávám od vás už nějaký ten pátek nakolik vás mám nejblíž. Recenzi píšu prvně v životě nakolik radši, když je něco špatně, tak na to kašlu a už tam nekoupím nic. Ať se každý provozovatel utopí ve vlastní šťávě ;) Ale v případě vaší provozovny Petřiny jde o výtku, kterou určitě můžete vyřešit pro dobro všech. Na fotce je nějaký výrobek, který s výsledným produktem zvaným Pizza nemá v roce 2022 nic společného ani vizuálně, natož chuťově. Když už tam dáváte ananas z konzervy, tak prosím nakrájet na maličké kousky s tím, že ty tvrdé středy ananasu, i když je to "opracované" odstranit! Chápu...práce navíc, ale za tu práci si zákazník platí. Děkuji za pochopení a nepotřebuji omluvu ani nic jiného. Chci jenom, aby když příště půjdu koupit pizzu k vám, tak ať na mě z té krabice nekouká takhle divně vypadající produkt, ale Pizza, kterou jsme si u vás pravidelně dávali. A prosím, neházet chybu jenom na zaměstnance. Každý řadový zaměstnanec má svého nadřízeného, který musí vědět jak jeho podřízený pracuje. Takže recenze je psaná hlavně pro Pizza Company(pobočka Petřiny). Hezký večer.
Hello Pizza Company. Today I ordered 2 pizzas and one with a pineapple for a child. I've been ordering from you for some time as close as I can get you. I write a review for the first time in my life, as much as I prefer, when something is wrong, I cough it up and I won't buy anything there anymore. Let each operator drown in their own juice;) But in the case of your Petřina establishment, this is a reproach that you can certainly resolve for the good of all. The photo shows a product that has nothing to do with the final product called Pizza in 2022, even visually, let alone tastefully. If you already put a canned pineapple, then please cut it into tiny pieces, making the hard centers of the pineapple, even if it's "machined" to remove! I understand ... extra work, but the customer pays for that work. Thank you for your understanding and I don't need an apology or anything else. I just want the next time I go to buy pizza for you, so that no strange-looking product looks out of me in that box, but Pizza, which we regularly had with you. And please don't throw the mistake just at the staff. Every regular employee has a superior who must know how his subordinate works. So the review is written mainly for Pizza Company (Petřina branch). Good evening.
František Zezulka on Google

Pizza no
Robert Zimmermann on Google

The salesgirl was terrible. She simply took a lady standing behind me before me after she ignored my order. Unfriendliness and unprofessionality can hardly be surpassed. When I placed my order again, she grumbled, how should she know which number on the menu belonged to which pizza and mimicked me ready for kindergarten. I didn't get a pizza in the end.
Positive Attitude Guy on Google

Just your average pizza joint. There's literally nothing I can say that wasn't already said before. You come in, give cash, receive pizza, simple as that. Variety be damned, taste is almost always the same with any toppings - which in itself could be considered impressive, but for that emergency pizza crave, I would say the food does it's job well enough. Just don't try to sneak a peak inside the preping station, it's probably better you don't know what's going on there. Overall 5/10 As average as it gets. Would consider making a meal at home again.
I NC on Google

I was pretty surprised since my expectations for this pizza were really low. a solid 7/10

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