Pomník obětem 1. světové války - Vltavská

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Contact Pomník obětem 1. světové války

Address :

Vltavská, 252 66 Libčice nad Vltavou, Czechia

Postal code : 252
Categories :
City : Libčice nad Vltavou

Vltavská, 252 66 Libčice nad Vltavou, Czechia
Marek Novák on Google

J. Sem. on Google

Carlo Hudratore on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

Pomník nechali vybudovat libčičtí ve Vltavské ulici. O jeho vzniku moc nevíme. Je vyroben z masivní žulové desky, která je dole rozšířená a tvoří základnu památníku. Ke sloučení obcí Libšice a Letky-Chejnov došlo až v roce 1924, do desky tak jsou vytesána jména pouze libčických občanů, kteří položili život v bojích během let 1914 – 1918. The memorial was built by the Libčiče locals in Vltavská Street. We don't know much about its creation. It is made of solid granite slab, which is expanded at the bottom and forms the base of the monument. The merger of the villages Libšice and Letky-Chejnov occurred only in 1924, so the names carved the plates are of only Libčice citizens who gave their lives in fighting during the years 1914 - 1918.
The monument was built by the people of Libčice in Vltavská Street. We don't know much about its origin. It is made of a solid granite slab, which is widened at the bottom and forms the base of the monument. The villages of Libšice and Letky-Chejnov were merged only in 1924, so the names of only Libčice citizens who laid down their lives in the fighting during the years 1914 - 1918 are carved into the plaque. The memorial was built by the Libčiče locals in Vltavská Street. We don't know much about its creation. It is made of solid granite slab, which is expanded at the bottom and forms the base of the monument. The merger of the villages Libšice and Letky-Chejnov occurred only in 1924, so the names carved the plates are of only Libčice citizens who gave their lives in fighting during the years 1914 - 1918.

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