Poutní kostel Bolestné Panny Marie

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Contact Poutní kostel Bolestné Panny Marie

Address :

Koněvova 100, 417 42 Krupka, Czechia

Categories :
City : Krupka

Koněvova 100, 417 42 Krupka, Czechia
Jiri Randa on Google

V dutině stromu nalezla mladá dívka sošku Panny Marie Bolestné. V roce 1426 byla pro ni vystavěna kaple, později kostel. Baroko přišlo mezi léty 1701 až 1705 podle návrhu G. Broggia. Papež Pius XI přidal 6. června 1924 povýšení na basilicu minor. ... Areál s kostelem je památkově chráněn.
A young girl found a statue of the Virgin Mary of Sorrows in the hollow of a tree. In 1426 a chapel was built for it, later a church. The Baroque came between 1701 and 1705 according to a design by G. Broggio. On June 6, 1924, Pope Pius XI added a promotion to the basilica minor. ... The area with the church is a protected monument.
Lenka Krutinová on Google

Krásné, ale značně zanedbané místo. Jak podotkl manžel, mohli by se někdy modlit i prací, vzít koště, hadr, kýbl.
Beautiful but very neglected place. As her husband pointed out, they could sometimes pray for work, take a broom, a rag, a bucket.
Milan Radosta on Google

Nemám mimosmyslové schopnosti. Poprvé zde, na některých místech, jsem něco pociťoval a nemám pro to logické vysvětlení. Mrzí mne ale, že na opravy kostelů a památek není stále dost peněz.
I don't have extrasensory skills. For the first time here, in some places, I felt something and I have no logical explanation for it. But I am sorry that there is still not enough money to repair churches and monuments.
Iva Zikešová on Google

V křížové chodbě baziliky je na nástěnných malbách znázorněna legenda o vzniku tohoto poutního místa. V blízkém Světci u Bíliny byl klášter sester strážkyň sv. Hrobu, který Husité vypálili. Část řeholnic byla pobita, část se zachránila útěkem, sebou vzaly nejcennější předmět z kláštera – malou sochu Bolestné Panny Marie, která byla zbožně uctívána. Jeptišky se skrývaly v lesích, postupně podlehly útrapám těžkého života. Podle legendy poslední z nich ukryla před svou smrtí sošku do vykotlané staré lípy. Na svátek Narození Panny Marie v roce 1425 přišla do těchto míst dívka z nedaleké Krupky, aby zde žala trávu. Na dívku náhle zaútočil jedovatý had (symbol ďábla), který se jí ovinul kolem holé ruky. Dívky vykřikla, upustila srp. Had však místo aby na ni zaútočil, otočil se proti lípě a začal silně syčet. Poté ochromen spadl aniž by dívce ublížil a zmizel v trávě. Dívka běžela domů, převyprávěla svůj zážitek. Lidé se vypravili ke staré lípě a při její prohlídce nalezli v dutině stromu sošku Bolestné Panny Marie viz. foto...
In the cloister of the basilica, the murals depict a legend about the origin of this pilgrimage site. In nearby Světec u Bíliny there was a monastery of the sisters of the guards of st. The grave that the Hussites burned. Some of the nuns were killed, some of them were escaped, taking the most precious object from the monastery - a small statue of Our Lady of Sorrows, which was worshiped piously. The nuns hid in the woods, gradually succumbing to the hardships of hard life. According to legend, the last one hid the statue before its death in a stuck old lime tree. On the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in 1425, a girl from nearby Krupka came here to mow grass. The girl was suddenly attacked by a poisonous snake (symbol of the devil), wrapped around her bare hand. The girls screamed, dropping the sickle. But instead of attacking it, the snake turned against the lime tree and began to hiss. He then fell paralyzed without hurting the girl and disappeared into the grass. The girl ran home, telling her experience. People went to the old linden tree and found a statue of Our Lady of Sorrows in the hollow of the tree. photo...
George O´Harek (JOh) on Google

Ohromná barokn stavba arch. tvůrců O. a G. Broggia z l. 1701 - 08. Není to stavebně bazilika, ale jednolodí typu Il Gesù, obklopená mohutným ambitem. Je tu plno artefaktů a votivních objektů, poutní místo.
A huge Baroque building by architects O. and G. Broggio from 1701 - 08. It is not a building basilica, but a single-nave Il Gesù, surrounded by a massive cloister. It is full of artifacts and votive objects, a place of pilgrimage.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Nádherný (i když dnes dosti zpustlý) kostel stojí přímo v centru města na náměstí. O to větší zklamání jsem zažil, když jsem našel objekt uzavřen, přesto že ve městě probíhaly oslavy. Na místě pozdněgotické kaple z r. 1426 byl v letech 1701–06 postaven barokní chrám obvyklé jesuitské disposice podle projektu Giulia a Octavia Broggiových. Kolem něj byl zřízen ambit se sedmi hranolovými kaplemi, uvnitř najdeme i studniční kapli. Dnes je objekt ve správě jesuitů. Poutní kostel je postaven podle vzoru jesuitského chrámu Il Jesú v Římě, tedy jako jednolodní stavba s neprůchozími bočními kaplemi. Západní průčelí vrcholí dvěma hranolovými věžemi s cibulovými báněmi. Na kostele je umístěna řada soch světců. Vnitřní zařízení pochází většinou z první poloviny 18. století. V křížové chodbě bohosudovské baziliky je na nástěnných malbách z let 1701-1706 znázorněna legenda o vzniku tohoto poutního místa - týká se právě malé mariánské sochy Bolestné Panny Marie. Podle legendy ji ukryla před husity prchající řeholnice ze světeckého kláštera ve staré lípě. Ta měla v následujících letech působit zázraky, takže se místo stalo cílem poutí. Pověst posvátného místa posílily i zkazky o záchraně křižáků, prchajících z masakru po bitvě roku 1426. Gotická milostná soška je asi 15 cm vysoká, z blíže neurčené vypalované hlíny. Znázorňuje sedící Pannu Marii, která drží na klíně mrtvého Krista a bolestně se něj dívá. A beautiful (though quite deserted today) church is right in the city center by the main square. The more disappointment I experienced was when I found the object closed, even though there were huge celebrations in town. On the site of a late-gothic chapel dating from 1426, a Baroque temple of the usual Jesuit dispositions was built in 1701-06, according to the Giulio and Octavio Broggio projects. An cloister with seven prismatic chapels was set up around it, and we can see also well inside the object. Today, the Jesuits are managing the building. The Pilgrimage Church is built according to the Jesuit temple of Il Jesú in Rome, a single-nave structure with impassable side chapels. The western façade ends with two prismatic towers with onion-shaped cupolas. There are a number of statues of saints on the church. The interior equipment is mostly from the first half of the 18th century. There is a legend about the creation of this place of pilgrimage on the wall paintings from the years 1701-1706 in the cloister of the Bohosudy Basilica - it concerns the small Marian statue of the Sorrowful Virgin Mary. According to the legend, one nun hid it inside linden tree not to be destroyed by Hussites. In the following years the statue was supposed as an object of miracles, so the place became the purpose of the pilgrimage. The legend of the sacred site was also strengthened by the records of the rescued crusaders escaping from the place of a massacre after the Battle of 1426. The Gothic love statuette is about 15 cm tall, from the unspecified fired clay. It depicts the seated Virgin Mary who holds the dead Christ and looks at him painfully.
A beautiful (though now quite desolate) church stands right in the city center on the square. I was even more disappointed when I found the building closed, despite the fact that celebrations were taking place in the city. A Baroque church of the usual Jesuit disposition was built on the site of a late Gothic chapel from 1426 in the years 1701–06 according to the project of Giulius and Octavio Broggi. A cloister with seven prismatic chapels was established around it, and inside we also find a well chapel. Today, the building is managed by the Jesuits. The pilgrimage church is built on the model of the Jesuit church Il Jesú in Rome, ie as a single-nave building with impassable side chapels. The western façade culminates in two prismatic towers with onion domes. There are a number of statues of saints on the church. The interior is mostly from the first half of the 18th century. In the cloister of the Basilica of Bohosud, the murals from 1701-1706 depict the legend of the origin of this place of pilgrimage - it concerns a small Marian statue of the Virgin Mary of Sorrows. According to legend, she was hidden from the Hussites by a fleeing nun from a secular monastery in an old linden tree. It was supposed to work miracles in the following years, so the place became a destination for pilgrimages. The reputation of the sacred place was strengthened by rumors of the rescue of the Crusaders fleeing the massacre after the battle of 1426. The Gothic love statue is about 15 cm high, made of unspecified fired clay. It depicts the seated Virgin Mary holding a dead Christ on her lap and looking at him painfully. A beautiful (though quite deserted today) church is right in the city center by the main square. The more disappointment I experienced was when I found the object closed, even though there were huge celebrations in town. On the site of a late-gothic chapel dating from 1426, a Baroque temple of the usual Jesuit dispositions was built in 1701-06, according to the Giulio and Octavio Broggio projects. An cloister with seven prismatic chapels was set up around it, and we can see also well inside the object. Today, the Jesuits are managing the building. The Pilgrimage Church is built according to the Jesuit temple of Il Jesú in Rome, a single-nave structure with impassable side chapels. The western façade ends with two prismatic towers with onion-shaped cupolas. There are a number of statues of saints on the church. The interior equipment is mostly from the first half of the 18th century. There is a legend about the creation of this place of pilgrimage on the wall paintings from the years 1701-1706 in the cloister of the Bohosudy Basilica - it concerns the small Marian statue of the Sorrowful Virgin Mary. According to the legend, one nun hid it inside linden tree not to be destroyed by Hussites. In the following years the statue was supposed as an object of miracles, so the place became the purpose of the pilgrimage. The legend of the sacred site was also strengthened by the records of the rescued crusaders escaping from the place of a massacre after the Battle of 1426. The Gothic love statuette is about 15 cm tall, from the unspecified fired clay. It depicts the seated Virgin Mary who holds the dead Christ and looks at him painfully.
Jan Řehák on Google

Celý areál poutní bazilky s ambitem a kaplemi je úžasné, meditativní místo. Funkční je stále i kaple s pramenem uzdravující vody. Doufám, že se najdou peníze, aby se tato barokní perla Krušných hor opět zaskvěla v celé své kráse.
The whole area of ​​the pilgrimage basilica with the cloister and chapels is an amazing, meditative place. The chapel with a spring of healing water is still functional. I hope that money will be found to make this baroque pearl of the Ore Mountains shine in all its beauty again.
Daniel on Google

Die Wallfahrtskirche Mariaschein/ Bohosudov ist der Schmerzhaften Mutter Gottes geweiht. Mariaschein ein berühmter Wallfahrtsort mit einer 600 jährigen Geschichte bietet heute nur noch einen traurigen stark Renovierungsbedürftigen Anblick. Trotzdem ist die barocke Pracht noch immer präsent und verleiht dem Ort einen Mystischen Charme. Von 1584 bis 1590 erbaute man den Kreuzgang mit 7 Kapellen diese umgeben die Kirche. Die 7 Kapellen stellen die 7 Schmerzen Mariä dar, und tragen die Namen der Stifter. In dem Rundgang befinden sich 37 Freskengemälde und 31 Beichtstühle. Ein weiteres Gebäude welches sich im Kreis befindet ist die Brunnenkapelle in der heiliges Quellwasser entspringt. Die Kirche Vigola in Rom hat den gleichen Grundriss wie Mariaschein. Auch der Hauptaltar ist ein Nachbau des Altars in der Peterskirche in Rom. Mariaschein/ Bohosudov liegt in der Tschechischen Stadt Krupka/ Graupen. Diesen Wallfahrtsort muss man unbedingt gesehen haben. Ich habe dies mit dem Ausflug zum Mückenberg verbunden. Man fährt ganz einfach vom Mückenberg mit dem Sessellift hinunter nach Krupka und folgt dem Blauen Weg zur Wallfahrtskirche. Ein schöner Sonntagsausflug für die ganze Familie. Im Ort selbst kann man im Café den Nachmittag ausklingen lassen.
The Mariaschein/ Bohosudov pilgrimage church is dedicated to the Sorrowful Mother of God. Mariaschein, a famous place of pilgrimage with a 600-year history, now only offers a sad sight that is in need of renovation. Nevertheless, the baroque splendor is still present and gives the place a mystical charm. From 1584 to 1590 the cloister was built with 7 chapels surrounding the church. The 7 chapels represent the 7 Sorrows of Mary and bear the names of the donors. There are 37 fresco paintings and 31 confessionals in the circuit. Another building that is located in the circle is the fountain chapel in which holy spring water springs. The Vigola Church in Rome has the same floor plan as Mariaschein. The main altar is also a replica of the altar in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Mariaschein/ Bohosudov is located in the Czech town of Krupka/ Graupen. This place of pilgrimage is a must-see. I combined this with the trip to Mückenberg. You can easily take the chairlift from Mückenberg down to Krupka and follow the blue trail to the pilgrimage church. A nice Sunday outing for the whole family. In the village itself you can end the afternoon in the café.

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