Pravoslavná církev v českých zemích a na Slovensku - Resslova 307

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Contact Pravoslavná církev v českých zemích a na Slovensku

Address :

Resslova 307, 120 00 Nové Město, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +788
Postal code : 120
Categories :
City : Nové Město

Resslova 307, 120 00 Nové Město, Czechia
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The former house of retired priests near the church of St. Karel Boromejský - today St. Cyril and Methodius - was built between 1730-40, first under the leadership of Pavel Ignác Bayer (until 1733), then Jan Kryštof Spannbrucker and Kilán Ignác Dientzenhofer. In the 12th century, the land was owned by the Kladruby monastery, from the 13th century by crusaders - guardians of the Holy Sepulcher. There were gardens on this site, rented to private individuals, as well as an unspecified house, sometimes called Talmberský, mentioned in 1641. It was in this building that the first emeritus house was located. Bývalý dům emerztních kněží u kostela sv. Karla Boromejského - dnes sv. Cyrila a Metoděje - byl postaven mezi lety 1730-40, nejdříve za vedení Pavla Ignáce Bayera (do roku 1733), poté Jana Kryštofa Spannbruckera a Kilána Ignáce Dientzenhofera. Ve 12. století byl pozemek v držení kladrubského kláštera, od 13. století křižovníků - strážců Božího hrobu. Na místě byly zahrady, pronajímané soukromým osobám, ale i blíže neurčený dům, někdy Talmberský, zmíněný jmenovitě v roce 1641. Právě v tomto objektu byl umístěn první emerytní dům.
The former house of retired priests near the church of St. Karel Boromejský - today St. Cyril and Methodius - was built between 1730-40, first under the leadership of Pavel Ignác Bayer (until 1733), then Jan Kryštof Spannbrucker and Kilán Ignác Dientzenhofer. In the 12th century, the land was owned by the Kladruby monastery, from the 13th century by crusaders - guardians of the Holy Sepulcher. There were gardens on this site, rented to private individuals, as well as an unspecified house, sometimes called Talmberský, mentioned in 1641. It was in this building that the first emeritus house was located. The former house of retired priests near the church of St. Karel Boromejský - today St. Cyril and Methodius - was built between 1730-40, first under the leadership of Pavel Ignác Bayer (until 1733), then Jan Kryštof Spannbrucker and Kilán Ignác Dientzenhofer. In the 12th century, the land was owned by the Kladruby monastery, from the 13th century by crusaders - guardians of the Holy Sepulcher. There were gardens on site, rented to private individuals, as well as an unspecified house, sometimes Talmberský, mentioned by name in 1641. It was in this building that the first emeritus house was located.

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