Relaxing lawn Modřany

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Relaxing lawn Modřany

Address :

U Soutoku, 143 00 Praha 12, Czechia

Categories :
City : Praha

U Soutoku, 143 00 Praha 12, Czechia
Eva Šterclová on Google

Krásné místo u Vltavy. Jen bych tady uvítala více laviček, více odpadkových košů a to i těch na psí exkrementy spolu s pytlíky. Ty ovšem chybí všude v Komořanech.
Beautiful place by the Vltava. I would just welcome more benches here, more trash cans, even those for dog excrement along with bags. However, they are missing everywhere in Komořany.
Bořivoj Kůla on Google

Lavičky, ohniště a místo ke koupání, pokud nemáte nic proti ledové vodě ve Vltavě. Okolní tůně jsou plné života.
Benches, a fireplace and a place to swim if you do not have anything against the icy water in the Vltava. The surrounding pools are full of life.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Klidná část Prahy mezi pravým břehem Vltavy a železniční tratí (respektive částečně paralelní cyklotrasou A2). Podklad tvoří nezpevněné smíšené podloží z období mladších čtvrtohor. V minulosti tu údajně býval brod. Nivní louky a říční usazeniny dnes poskytují dostatek místa pro sportování nebo pikniky, je tu krásně a dá se tu strávit celé odpoledne - tomu o sezóně napomáhají i pobřežní stánky s občerstvením a venkovní restaurace. A quiet part of Prague between the right bank of the Vltava River and the railway line (or the partially parallel A2 cycle route). The area is located on unpaved mixed bedrock from the younger Quaternary period. In the past, there is said to have been a ford here. Today, the floodplain meadows and river deposits provide ample space for sports or picnics, it is beautiful and you can spend a whole afternoon here - helped by the seaside refreshment stands and outdoor restaurants in high season.
A quiet part of Prague between the right bank of the Vltava and the railway line (respectively partly by the parallel cycle route A2). The base consists of unconsolidated mixed subsoil from the period of the Late Quaternary. In the past, there used to be a ford. Today, floodplain meadows and river sediments provide plenty of space for sports or picnics, it is beautiful and you can spend the whole afternoon here - this is also helped by coastal food stalls and outdoor restaurants during the season. A quiet part of Prague between the right bank of the Vltava River and the railway line (or the partially parallel A2 cycle route). The area is located on unpaved mixed bedrock from the younger Quaternary period. In the past, there is said to have been a ford here. Today, the floodplain meadows and river deposits provide ample space for sports or picnics, it is beautiful and you can spend a whole afternoon here - helped by the seaside refreshment stands and outdoor restaurants in high season.
Slavek Husek on Google

rest place
Android Games Best of your games on Google

Super relax
Anurag Kar on Google

Great place to relax
Marcel Vida on Google

Atena Piatak on Google

Very quiet and nice place to relax

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