4.2/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Rudná 3114, 700 30 Ostrava-jih, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +9787
Website : https://www.rieker-eshop.cz/
Categories :
City : Ostrava jih

Rudná 3114, 700 30 Ostrava-jih, Czechia
petr schmid on Google

Petr Václavík on Google

Michal on Google

Opravdu kvalitni a stylove boty.
Really quality and stylish shoes.
Radek Vilem on Google

Slabý výběr
Poor choice
Podesvovi “Podmarie” Ostrava on Google

Příjemné prostředí, vlídné chování k zákazníkovi.
Pleasant environment, friendly behavior to the customer.
Petr Kosar on Google

Trochu dražší ale asi kvalitní. Uvidíme
A little more expensive but probably high quality. We'll see
Ahoso Ahoso on Google

V obchode jsem byla jedinna zakaznice a zkousela si boty. Dlouho si me prodavacky nevsimaly (staly obe v rohu s rukama za zady). Pak teda jedna prisla, jakou shanim velikost (to uz jsem si zkousela asi treti boty), velikost jsem si nakonec nasla sama a dale si mne nevsimaly. Pak me napomenuly, at si hlidam sve deti ( obe deti byly v nakupnim voziku, byly hodne a v jeden okamzik si dite vzalo jednu botu do ruky). Z prodejny jsem odchazela velice zklamana, bez bot, ktere jsem si chtela moc koupit. Uz se tam urcite nevratim.
I was the only customer in the shop trying shoes. For a long time the saleswoman didn't notice me (they both stood in the corner with their hands behind them). Then one came what shanim size (I tried about three shoes), I finally found the size myself and further not notice me. Then they told me to watch my children (both children were in a shopping cart, they were a lot and at one point the child took one shoe in his hand). I left the store very disappointed, without shoes, which I wanted to buy too much. I'm definitely not going back there.
Martin Ciosk on Google

Jsem nadšen z formy vyřízení mé reklamace a děkuji!
I am excited about the form of handling my complaint and thank you!

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