Římskokatolická farnost u kostela Nanebevzetí Panny Marie Praha - Strahov - Pohořelec 113

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Contact Římskokatolická farnost u kostela Nanebevzetí Panny Marie Praha - Strahov

Address :

Pohořelec 113, 118 00 Praha 1-Hradčany, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +78
Postal code : 118
Website : https://farnoststrahov.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha 1 Hradčany

Pohořelec 113, 118 00 Praha 1-Hradčany, Czechia
Pavel Podolský on Google

Jan Karlíček on Google

Zkušebna Strahovského chrámového sboru, čili celosvětové centrum chrámové hudby. :-))))
The rehearsal room of the Strahov Church Choir, ie the worldwide center of church music. :-))))
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Dnešní dvoupatrový dům s loubím je gotického původu, jak dokládá dochovaný středověký sklep. Objekt byl následně ve 2. polovině 16. století a na počátku 17. století přestavován. Od roku 1773 zde fungovala fara Strahovského kláštera. Hlavní průčelí do ulice je dnes barokní. Střed průčelí domu zdobí obraz Madony s Ježíškem pozdně barokního původu. Nad ním byla osazena obdélná deska s reliéfem dvou oválných biskupských znaku. Today's two-storey house with an arcade is of Gothic origin, as evidenced by the preserved medieval cellar. The building was subsequently rebuilt in the second half of the 16th century and at the beginning of the 17th century. A Strahov Monastery parish office was housed here since 1773. The current main façade to the street is Baroque. The center of the front of the house is decorated with a late-Baroque picture of Madonna and baby Jesus. A rectangular plate with a relief of two oval episcopal emblems is placed above it.
Today's two-storey house with an archway is of Gothic origin, as evidenced by the preserved medieval cellar. The building was subsequently rebuilt in the second half of the 16th century and at the beginning of the 17th century. From 1773, the rectory of the Strahov Monastery functioned here. The main facade to the street is now Baroque. The center of the facade of the house is decorated with a picture of the Madonna and Child of late Baroque origin. Above it was a rectangular plaque with a relief of two oval bishop's emblems. Today's two-storey house with an arcade is of Gothic origin, as evidenced by the preserved medieval cellar. The building was recently rebuilt in the second half of the 16th century and at the beginning of the 17th century. A Strahov Monastery parish office has been housed here since 1773. The current main façade to the street is Baroque. The center of the front of the house is decorated with a late-Baroque picture of Madonna and baby Jesus. A rectangular plate with a relief of two oval episcopal emblems is placed above it.

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