Církev Římskokatolická

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Contact Církev Římskokatolická

Address :

Velkopřevorské nám. 485, 118 00 Malá Strana, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +78
Categories :
City : Malá Strana

Velkopřevorské nám. 485, 118 00 Malá Strana, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Nádherný barokní palác čtvercového půdorysu je součástí areálu Řádu maltézských rytířů. Má ještě románský základ, patrně ze sklonku 12. století. Po požárech z let 1420 a 1503 předpokládáme menší gotické úpravy, významnější byla renesanční přestavba z roku 1610. V letech 1516–1532 do paláce přesídlil jako první velkopřevor Jan III. z Rožmberka, který do té doby sídlil ve Strakonicích. V roce 1991 získali palác zpět maltézští rytíři. The beautiful Baroque palace of the square ground plan is part of the area of the Order of Johannites. It still has a Romanesque foundation, probably from the end of the 12th century. After the fires of the years 1420 and 1503 we expect smaller gothic adaptations, the Renaissance rebuilding from 1610 was more significant. In the years 1516-1532, the prior Jan III of Rožmberk was first relocated to the palace, who until then lived in Strakonice. In 1991 the palace was given toy the Johannites order.
The beautiful Baroque palace with a square floor plan is part of the grounds of the Order of the Knights of Malta. It still has a Romanesque basis, probably from the end of the 12th century. After the fires from 1420 and 1503, we assume smaller Gothic alterations, more significant was the Renaissance reconstruction from 1610. In the years 1516–1532, John III was the first Grand Prior to the palace. from Rožmberk, who until then had been based in Strakonice. In 1991, the palace was regained by the Knights of Malta. The beautiful Baroque palace of the square ground plan is part of the area of ​​the Order of Johannites. It still has a Romanesque foundation, probably from the end of the 12th century. After the fires of the years 1420 and 1503 we expect smaller gothic adaptations, the Renaissance rebuilding from 1610 was more significant. In the years 1516-1532, the prior Jan III of Rožmberk was first relocated to the palace, who until then lived in Strakonice. In 1991 the palace was given toy the Johannites order.

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