Rose Hill - Růžovský vrch

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Richard Nuska on Google

Překrásný zimní výstup na Nový rok.
Beautiful winter ascent to the New Year.
Stephanie Philipp on Google

Sehr schöne Natur mit Nadelwald und sandigem Boden am Fuße.Der Aufstieg anspruchsvoll und hohem Laubwald.Oben leider wenig Aussicht aber sehr ruhig und viel schöne Natur,herrlich,ein wirklich sehr natürlicher Ort!?
Very beautiful nature with coniferous forest and sandy soil at the foot. The ascent is demanding and high deciduous forest. Unfortunately, little view at the top but very quiet and a lot of beautiful nature, wonderful, a really very natural place! ?
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Národní přírodní rezervace Růžák o celkové výměře 116 ha byla v I. zóně Národního parku České Švýcarsko vyhlášena 29.12.1973 a tvoří ji čedičový kužel porostlý přirozenými smíšenými (místy až pralesními) porosty. Růžák (s nadmořskou výškou 619 m nejvyšší místo Českého Švýcarska) je výsledkem třetihorního vulkanismu. Jeho jádro tvoří čedičové vyvřeliny, které ve vrcholové části vystupují na povrch. Vypreparovaný kužel Růžáku původně obklopovaly křídové pískovce, které byly postupně odneseny erozí. Na několika místech na úbočí hory se pískovce dochovaly a nacházejí se zde v nejvyšších nadmořských výškách na území národního parku. Jižní svah kopce je pokryt suťovištěm, při severním úpatí se nacházejí tzv. ledové díry, ve kterých se mnohdy až do léta udržuje led. Oblast je domovem jelena evropského, plcha velkého, mloka skvrnitého nebo čolka horského. Z vzácnějšího ptactva zde hnízdí sýc rousný nebo žluna šedá. Žije tu také velké množství hmyzu, například brouk střevlík nepravidelný. Z květeny se daří kyčelnici devítilisté nebo hrachoru jarnímu, najdete zde například vzácnou houbu lišku Friesovu. The National Nature Reserve Růžák, with a total area of ​​116 hectares, was declared in the 1st zone of the National Park České Švýcarsko on December 29, 1973. It is formed by a basalt cone covered with natural mixed (localy even as a primeval forest) vegetation. Růžák (with an altitude of 619 meters above sea level the highest peak in Bohemian Switzerland) is the result of Tertiary volcanism. It´s core consists of basalt igneous rocks, which are projected to the surface at the top parts. The prepared cone of Růžák was originally surrounded the Cretaceous sandstone, which was gradually removed by erosion. At several places on the slope of the mountain, the sandstone are preserved and those are located at the highest altitudes in the national park. The southern slope of the hill is covered by a brash fields, at the northern base there are so-called ice holes, in which ice is maintained until the summer. The area is home to deer, dormouse, salamander or newt and many kinds of protected insect and plants.
The Růžák National Nature Reserve with a total area of ​​116 ha was declared in the 1st zone of the Bohemian Switzerland National Park on December 29, 1973 and consists of a basalt cone overgrown with natural mixed (sometimes even forest) stands. Růžák (with an altitude of 619 m the highest place in Bohemian Switzerland) is the result of Tertiary volcanism. Its core consists of basalt igneous rocks, which rise to the surface in the top part. The prepared cone of Růžák was originally surrounded by Cretaceous sandstones, which were gradually carried away by erosion. In several places on the mountainside, sandstones have been preserved and are located at the highest altitudes in the national park. The southern slope of the hill is covered with rubble, at the northern foot there are so-called ice holes, in which ice is often maintained until summer. The area is home to red deer, dormouse, salamander or newt. Among the rarer birds, the barn owl or the gray woodpecker nests here. There are also a large number of insects, such as the irregular ground beetle. From the flora, the nine-leaved hip or spring pea thrives, you will find here, for example, the rare mushroom Friesian fox. The National Nature Reserve Růžák, with a total area of ​​116 hectares, was declared in the 1st zone of the National Park České Švýcarsko on December 29, 1973. It is formed by a basalt cone covered with natural mixed (localy even as a primeval forest) vegetation. Růžák (with an altitude of 619 meters above sea level the highest peak in Bohemian Switzerland) is the result of Tertiary volcanism. It´s core consists of basalt igneous rocks, which are projected to the surface at the top parts. The prepared cone of Růžák was originally surrounded by Cretaceous sandstone, which was gradually removed by erosion. At several places on the slope of the mountain, the sandstone are preserved and those are located at the highest altitudes in the national park. The southern slope of the hill is covered by a brash fields, at the northern base there are so-called ice holes, in which ice is maintained until the summer. The area is home to deer, dormouse, salamander or newt and many kinds of protected insect and plants.
Walking and shooting on Google

Na úpatí masivní kácení dřeva. Dále hezký les s velkými buky. Stoupání je strmé. Nahoře základy staré restaurace a rozhledny. Výhled v létě téměř žádný kvůli vegetaci. Tráva na kopci plná klíšťat.
Massive wood felling at the foot. Furthermore, a nice forest with large beeches. The climb is steep. Upstairs the foundations of an old restaurant and lookout tower. View in summer almost none due to vegetation. Grass on a hill full of ticks.
tommycar on Google

Mohutný kopec kolem Děčína. Obnovení vyhlídky by přilákalo návštěvníky severu.
A massive hill around Děčín. Restoring the prospect would attract visitors to the north.
Jaroslav Svoboda on Google

Pěkné místo, škoda že se nedochovala restaurace a hlavně rozhledna. I tak má ale toto místo své kouzlo. Nádherný starý bezzásahový les, příroda ve své nahotě. Okruh že Srbské Kamenice cca 9 km, výšlap slušný, ale vhodný i pro méně zdatné jedince a starší děti.
Nice place, it's a pity that the restaurant and especially the lookout tower have not been preserved. Even so, this place has its charm. Beautiful old uninterrupted forest, nature in its nudity. Circuit that Srbské Kamenice about 9 km, hike decent, but also suitable for less able individuals and older children.
Ladislav Kučera on Google

Tom Jirinec on Google

Beautiful place with amazing views. The forests are stunning as well.

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