Rybník - Retenční nádrž Kotlářka

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Rybník - Retenční nádrž Kotlářka

Address :

Plzeňská 150 00, 150 00 Praha 5-Košíře, Czechia

Categories :
City : Praha 5 Košíře

Plzeňská 150 00, 150 00 Praha 5-Košíře, Czechia
Ondřej Skála on Google

Oksana Chudakova on Google

Martina Hurtikova on Google

Klidne misto s dostatkem lavicek, vhodne na behani, prochazky, koupani i rybareni (schvaleny revir).
Quiet place with plenty of benches, suitable for running, walks, bathing and fishing (approved revir).
Jan Martinek on Google

Pěkný kousek přírody v jinak nezajímavé oblasti. Labutě!
A nice piece of nature in an otherwise uninteresting area. Swans!
Ivo Postránecky on Google

něco mezi odkalištěm a zdrojem alergií obohacené lehátky místních důchodců ustlaných na zemi prosáklé močí psů i lidí. Prostě otřes.
something between a tailing pond and a source of allergies, enriched with loungers of local retirees littered on the ground with the urine of dogs and humans. Just shake.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Rybník Kotlářka byl vyhlouben v místě suché nádrže Homolka postavené v 80. letech minulého století, která sloužila jako nádrž pro zklidnění povodňových průtoků Motolského potoka. Výstavbu zkomplikovalo zejména velké množství historických navážek různého stavebního odpadu o mocnosti až 3 metry. Celý rybník byl utěsněn jílovitou zeminou a břehy opevněny kamennou dlažbou stejně jako hráz. Pro zpestření byl uprostřed vodní plochy zbudován maý ostrůvek. The Kotlářka pond was excavated on the site of the former Homolka reservoir built in the 1980s, which served as a reservoir for calming the flood flows of the Motol brook. The construction was complicated especially by a large amount of historical loads of various construction waste with a thickness of up to 3 meters. The whole pond was sealed with clay soil and the banks were fortified with stone paving as well as a dam. To diversify, a small island was built in the middle of the water.
The Kotlářka pond was excavated on the site of the dry Homolka reservoir built in the 1980s, which served as a reservoir for calming the flood flows of the Motol brook. The construction was complicated mainly by a large amount of historical loads of various construction waste with a thickness of up to 3 meters. The whole pond was sealed with clay soil and the banks were fortified with stone paving as well as a dam. To diversify, a small island was built in the middle of the water. The Kotlářka pond was excavated on the site of the former Homolka reservoir built in the 1980s, which served as a reservoir for calming the flood flows of the Motol brook. The construction was complicated especially by a large amount of historical loads of various construction waste with a thickness of up to 3 meters. The whole pond was sealed with clay soil and the banks were fortified with stone paving as well as a dam. To diversify, a small island was built in the middle of the water.
Robin Hronek on Google

Tento rybník mám velice rád, protože okolo něj chodím na procházky a koupání je tam výborné.
Marie Ptacnikova on Google

Very nice place to chill and relax, very close to tram stop and park Cibulka

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