Štencův dům - Salvátorská 1092

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Contact Štencův dům

Address :

Salvátorská 1092, 110 00 Staré Město, Czechia

Postal code : 110
Categories :
City : Staré Město

Salvátorská 1092, 110 00 Staré Město, Czechia
Krystof Blahota on Google

Ladislav Musil on Google

Jiri Stika on Google

Petr Lochman on Google

Moc krásný dům. I s historií.
Very beautiful house. Even with history.
Jiří Pagáč on Google

Mimořádná stavba od Otakara Novotného.
Extraordinary building by Otakar Novotný.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Za kostelem sv. Salvátora je trochu skrytý dvojdům ve stylu geometrické secese se dvěma dvory zahrnující nakladatelství, reprodukční ateliéry, výstavní síň, prodejnu, byty a ve dvoře uměleckou tiskárnu. Vznikl v letech 1909 až 1911 na místě budov, které v minulosti sloužily paulánskému klášteru, podle projektu architekta Otakara Novotného (jednoho z žáků mistra architektury Jana Kotěry) na náklady Jana Štence. Jan Štenc byl nakladatel, majitel tiskárny a jednatel Spolku výtvarných umělců Mánes. V jeho grafickém studiu vznikaly špičkové knihy, především umělecké publikace. Behind the church of St. Salvator zou can see a bit concealed of double-house in the style of a geometric Art Nouveau with two courtyards including publishers, reproduction studios, exhibition halls, shops, flats, and an artistic printer in the yard. It was built in the years 1909 to 1911 at the site of buildings that used to serve the Pauline monastery in the past, according to the project of architect Otakar Novotný (one of the pupils of the architect master Jan Kotěra) at the expense of Jan Štenc. Jan Štenc was the publisher, the owner of the printing house and the Managing Director of the Mánes Fine Artists Association. In his graphic studio top books, especially art publications were created.
Behind the church of St. Salvátor is a slightly hidden semi-detached house in the style of geometric Art Nouveau with two courtyards including a publishing house, reproduction studios, an exhibition hall, a shop, flats and an art printing house in the courtyard. It was built between 1909 and 1911 on the site of buildings that in the past served the Pauline monastery, according to the project of architect Otakar Novotný (one of the pupils of the master of architecture Jan Kotěra) at the expense of Jan Štenc. Jan Štenc was the publisher, owner of the printing house and executive of the Association of Fine Artists Mánes. In his graphic studio, top books were created, especially art publications. Behind the church of St. Salvator zou can see a bit concealed of double-house in the style of a geometric Art Nouveau with two courtyards including publishers, reproduction studios, exhibition halls, shops, flats, and an artistic printer in the yard. It was built in the years 1909 to 1911 at the site of buildings that used to serve the Pauline monastery in the past, according to the project of architect Otakar Novotný (one of the pupils of the architect master Jan Kotěra) at the expense of Jan Štenc. Jan Štenc was the publisher, the owner of the printing house and the Managing Director of the Mánes Fine Artists Association. In his graphic studio top books, especially art publications were created.
Kateřina Mrklovská on Google

Neskutečně krásný dům, který je uvnitř moc hezky zrekonstruovaný, nyní zde najdete coworkingové centrum. Pokud budeme mít možnost podívat se dovnitř, neváhejte!
Incredibly beautiful house, which is very nicely renovated inside, now you will find a coworking center. If we have the opportunity to look inside, do not hesitate!

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