Středověké opevnění - Středověké opevnění

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Address :

274 01 Slaný, Czechia

Postal code : 274
Categories :
City : Slaný

274 01 Slaný, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Existovalo od 14. století - velmi záhy po vzniku města v jeho středověké podobě. Vnitřní město bývalo ohrazeno silnými dvojnásobnými hradbami o výšce až 4 - 5 metrů a příkopem, z čehož jen málo bašt a chudé zbytky hradebních věží se zachovalo do současnosti. Mezi nimi se nacházel parkán, před nimi byl vykopán hluboký příkop, který byl částečně napuštěn vodou z Červeného potoka. Bylo původně dřevěné, až později vzniklo souvislé kamenné opevnění. To se táhlo v délce 1250 m. Hradby byly částečně poničeny během husitských válek. Rovněž byly značně poškozeny při požáru města v roce 1460 a musely být obnoveny. Přestavba probíhala v letech 1461–1472. Přístup do města zajišťovaly tři brány (Pražská, Velvarská a Lounská). Z jižní strany existovala malá branka (fortna). Byly postupně bourány v první polovině 19. století. Hradby zanikly v téže době, byly postupně bourány v letech 1835 a 1841. Některé části hradeb však musely být zachovány - například u kostela sv. Gottharda hradby zpevňovaly základy samotného kostela na bahnitém podloží. Kostel byl dokonce začleněn do systému městské fortifikace. Z opevnění na severní straně se zachovala Černá bašta. Byla zbudována ve druhé polovině 15. století. Byla umístěna ve druhem (vnitřním) věnci hradeb a její úloha byla chránit Velvarskou bránu od jihovýchodu. Měla stálou posádku, která při vykonávaní služby využívala jako strážnici čtvercovou místnost a sklep, který byl brán jako skladiště. It has existed since the 14th century - very soon after the establishment of the city in it´s medieval form. The inner city was surrounded by strong double walls with a height of up to 4 to 5 meters and a moat, of which only a few bastions and poor remains of the city towers have survived to the present. A deep trench among the walls had been partially impregnated with water from Red Brook was excavated before them. It was originally wooden, until later a continuous stone fortification. It stretched over 1250 meters. The walls were partially damaged during the Hussite wars. They were also severely damaged during a city fire in 1460 and had to be restored. The rebuilding took place in 1461-1472. Three gates (Pražská, Velvarská and Lounská) were accessible by the city. There was also a small wicket on the south side. The gates were gradually cut in the first half of the 19th century. The walls were destroyed at the same time, they were gradually dismantled in 1835 and 1841. Some parts of the walls had to be preserved - for example at the church of St. The walls of Gotthard reinforced the foundations of the church itself on the muddy subsoil. The church was even incorporated into the city fortification system. From the fortifications on the northern side the Black Bastion was preserved. It was built in the second half of the 15th century. It was placed in a kind of (inner) wreath of the fortification and its role was to protect the Velvarská Gate from the southeast. It had a permanent crew who, when performing the service, used as a guard a square room and cellar, which was taken as a warehouse.
It has existed since the 14th century - very soon after the founding of the city in its medieval form. The inner city used to be surrounded by strong double walls up to 4-5 meters high and a moat, of which few bastions and poor remains of fortifications have been preserved to this day. Between them was a fence, in front of them a deep moat was dug, which was partially filled with water from Červený potok. It was originally wooden, and later a continuous stone fortification was created. It stretched in the length of 1250 m. The walls were partially destroyed during the Hussite wars. They were also severely damaged by a city fire in 1460 and had to be rebuilt. Reconstruction took place in the years 1461–1472. Access to the city was provided by three gates (Pražská, Velvarská and Lounská). From the south side there was a small gate (fortna). They were gradually demolished in the first half of the 19th century. The walls disappeared at the same time, they were gradually demolished in 1835 and 1841. However, some parts of the walls had to be preserved - for example at the church of St. Gotthard's walls strengthened the foundations of the church itself on a muddy ground. The church was even incorporated into the city fortification system. The Black Bastion has been preserved from the fortifications on the north side. It was built in the second half of the 15th century. It was located in the second (inner) wreath of the walls and its role was to protect the Velvar Gate from the southeast. It had a permanent crew, which used a square room and a cellar as a guard when performing the service, which was taken as a warehouse. It has existed since the 14th century - very soon after the establishment of the city in it´s medieval form. The inner city was surrounded by strong double walls with a height of up to 4 to 5 meters and a moat, of which only a few bastions and poor remains of the city towers have survived to the present. A deep trench among the walls had been partially impregnated with water from Red Brook was excavated before them. It was originally wooden, until later a continuous stone fortification. It stretched over 1250 meters. The walls were partially damaged during the Hussite wars. They were also severely damaged during a city fire in 1460 and had to be restored. The rebuilding took place in 1461-1472. Three gates (Pražská, Velvarská and Lounská) were accessible by the city. There was also a small wicket on the south side. The gates were gradually cut in the first half of the 19th century. The walls were destroyed at the same time, they were gradually dismantled in 1835 and 1841. Some parts of the walls had to be preserved - for example at the church of St. The walls of Gotthard reinforced the foundations of the church itself on the muddy subsoil. The church was even incorporated into the city fortification system. From the fortifications on the northern side the Black Bastion was preserved. It was built in the second half of the 15th century. It was placed in a kind of (inner) wreath of the fortification and its role was to protect the Velvarská Gate from the southeast. It had a permanent crew who, when performing the service, used as a guard a square room and cellar, which was taken as a warehouse.

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