TopDent centrum stomatologické péče

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact TopDent centrum stomatologické péče

Address :

256 01 Benešov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +788
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Categories :
City : Benešov

256 01 Benešov, Czechia
Šárka T. B. on Google

Chodím na tuto kliniku už asi 5 let a nikdy jsem si nemohla ani v nejmenším stěžovat. Mám hodně špatné zuby, zubařů jsem se od mala bála. Ale toto je první klinika, kde se k vám chovají velmi šetrně, mile, vše podrobně vysvětlí. Díky nim jsem se zbavila strachu. Určitě všem doporučuji.
I have been going to this clinic for about 5 years and I have never been able to complain in the slightest. I have very bad teeth, I have been afraid of dentists since I was little. But this is the first clinic where they treat you very kindly, kindly, they will explain everything in detail. Thanks to them, I got rid of fear. I definitely recommend it to everyone.
Renáta Šrámková on Google

Paní zubarka v pohode. Ale pani recepcni silne neprijemna. Neumi ani pozdravit a dava dost najevo, ze ji to tady obtezuje.
Mrs. dentist is fine. But the receptionist very uncomfortable. She can't even say hello, and she makes it clear that it's bothering her here.
Lucie Konopíková on Google

Absolutně neprofesionální, u moji mámy přehlídli několik kazů, další nasi známe tak špatně vytrhli moudrak, že už tam jezdí měsíce a stále jsou s tím problémy. Mně odmítli vytrhnout zuby z ortodentickych důvodů. Přístup úplně někde v prd*li.
Absolutely unprofessional, my mother overlooked several caries, others we know so badly ripped out the wise men that they have been going there for months and there are still problems with that. I was refused teeth for orthodent reasons. Access completely somewhere in the shit.
Barbora Barbora on Google

Nemam slov. Od recepce po doktora. Pani na recepci si prohlizi na internetu, a mezitim ji 3xnekdo volal. Nezvedla. Nechapu,i me nekolikrat za den mi to nebylo zvednuto. Co se tyce dr. Nevím, nevim.... Ano on, ani ona podle me nejsou dobri lekari. Uz nikdy sem!!!!
I have no words. From reception to doctor. The lady at the reception is browsing the internet, and in the meantime someone has called her 3 times. She didn't answer. I don't understand, I wasn't picked up several times a day. What about dr. I don't know, I don't know .... Yes, he and I don't think they're good doctors either. I'm never here !!!!
Jaroslav Linduska on Google

Toto zařízení v Bebešove navštevuji 5 roku. 7.1. mi zubar zaplomboval dva zuby. 10. 1. jsem musel do Kolína na pohotovost. Dnes 11.1. Jsem opět přijel do Benešova. A když jsem řekl lékaři, že chci zub vytrhnout. Bylo mi řečeno, že musím počkat 2,5 hodiny na zubaře, který mi zub vytrhne.
I have been visiting this facility in Bebešov for 5 years. 7.1. my dentist sealed two teeth. On January 10, I had to go to Cologne for an emergency room. Today 11.1. I came to Benešov again. And when I told the doctor I wanted to pull a tooth. I was told that I had to wait 2.5 hours for the dentist to pull out my tooth.
BY YAN on Google

V péči Topdentu jsem již několik let a klobouk dolů. Profesionální přístup všech se kterými jsem tam kdy byl v kontaktu. Pan doktor (v zadu v levo) je opravdu fachman. Postupně mi opravuje to, co mi dříve kde bylo zalátáno. Na čem se domluvíme, to platí. Opravdu si nemohu stěžovat!
I've been in Topdent's care for several years and hats off. Professional approach of everyone I have ever been in contact with. The doctor (in the back on the left) is really a fellow. He is gradually correcting me for what I used to do. What we agree on is true. I really can't complain!
Nick Var on Google

Perfect, dental click with the newest medical equipment. Definitely recommend it to everyone!
Charles Seaton Jr. (ChuckDiesal) on Google

It’s the dentist I use, the place is completely Czech, no one speaks English at the desk, but they do have a doctor who speaks English, and service was good, but you will need a Czech speaker to get you in the door.

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