TTP Car - V Oblouku 800

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact TTP Car

Address :

V Oblouku 800, 252 43 Průhonice, Czechia

Postal code : 252
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City : Průhonice

V Oblouku 800, 252 43 Průhonice, Czechia
Sanomo Okami23 on Google

idealni misto kde koupit vuz at jiz v jejich bazaru ojetinu nebo o kus vise navstivit prodejnu stale se zde da zakoupi spalovaci motor a ne jen hybrid najdete tam vse od klasickeho auta po uzitkace. Jednaji prime a prijemne. vse vam vysvetli doporucuji zase se vratim pro dalsi auto
An ideal place to buy a car, whether you are already used in their bazaar or a bit more to visit the store, you can still buy an internal combustion engine here, and not just a hybrid, you will find everything from a classic car to a commercial vehicle. They act prime and pleasant. explain everything to you I recommend coming back for another car
Tomáš Pospíšil on Google

Maximálně doporučuji tohoto dealera vozů. Především pak pana Karla Adama. I přesto, že ke koupi vozu nakonec nedošlo (vůz nebyl odpočtový), mě přímo zaskočil svou profesionalitou a lidskostí. Žádné mazání medu kolem pusy, naprosto seriózní popsání skutečnosti. Sem se budu kdykoliv opravdu rád vracet!
I highly recommend this car dealer. Especially Mr. Karel Adam. Even though the car was not bought in the end (the car was not deductible), I was directly surprised by its professionalism and humanity. No lubrication of honey around the mouth, absolutely serious description of the fact. I will be really happy to come back here anytime!
Vladimir SIROTEK on Google

zkušenost zatím velmi pozitivní, hlavně díky komunikaci a jednání s panem Karlem Adamem. Rychlé vysvětlení a zodpovězení všech dotazů, skvělá komunikace, obyčejný lidský přístup bez přetvářek . Nakonec jsem zde zakoupil vůz Toyota C-HR hybrid, na kterém tento skvělý prodejce ještě zařídil garanční servis a dodatečně nad rámec zaslal dokumentaci, kterou jsem chtěl. Pokud můj další vůz bude Toyota koupil bych ho rozhodně zde a nejlépe přes stejného prodejce
experience so far very positive, mainly due to communication and negotiations with Mr. Karel Adam. Quick explanation and answer to all questions, great communication, ordinary human approach without pretense. In the end, I bought a Toyota C-HR hybrid here, on which this great dealer also arranged a warranty service and additionally sent the documentation I wanted in addition. If my next car will be Toyota I would buy it here and preferably through the same dealer
Marek Novotný on Google

Quang Vo on Google

Hailemelekot Teklu Kidane on Google

It is possible to find different brands of cars
András Király on Google

Really nice place, good cars and nice employees.
Mr. Shutov on Google

Hello,I am proud owner of brand new Toyota  RAV4 :-)(2 months old) this car  meet all my expectations I had for a car. So absolutely happy. However, I do have a problem with wipers on the side of the driver. When the wipers goes back it leaves water, and the water kind of fallows the wipers. It's ok during the day, but in the evenings it is a very big problem. It's harder to see. As I find out, this problem cannot be fixed in CZ(Czech republic), so I am searching for solution on both parts. BRDmitry

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