Úřad městské části Brno-Židenice

3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Úřad městské části Brno-Židenice

Address :

Gajdošova 4392/7, 615 00 Brno-Židenice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8
Website : http://www.zidenice.eu/urad/urad-mc-brno-zidenice
Categories :
City : Brno Židenice

Gajdošova 4392/7, 615 00 Brno-Židenice, Czechia
Jan Dundáček on Google

Andrea Hanakova on Google

babička ježovská on Google

Michal “konykorn” Konecny on Google

Jeden z mala uradu, kde jsou prijemne urednice, poradi se vsim co clovek potrebuje a jeste to tam jde opravdu hodne rychle.
One of the small office, where are nice urednice, consult everything you need and still it goes really fast.
Martin Kozák on Google

problém s parkování a často tam člověk dostane pokutu za špatné parkování
parking problem and often there is a fine for bad parking
Tereza Pevná on Google

Smutný pohled na tuto MČ, která je více než zanedbaná. Poházené sáčky, plasty, spotřebiče a dětské sedačky na pěších cestách, mezi stromy i keři. Údržba očividně nefunguje, jak by měla.
A sad look at this district, which is more than neglected. Scattered bags, plastics, appliances and child seats on walking paths, among trees and bushes. Maintenance obviously doesn't work as it should.
Jaroslav Plšek ml. on Google

V objektu je i ÚMČ Brno-Židenice. Parkování zdarma po vymezenou dobu, nutno nastavit na parkovacích hodinách, kontroluje MP. Parkoviště je převážně plné :-(
The building also has the Brno-Židenice Municipal Office. Free parking for a limited time, must be set on the parking hours, checked by MP. The parking lot is mostly full :-(
Miroslav Jindra on Google

Starosta Mrazek by za prachy prodal vlastni matku a kdyz ne to, tak aspon otiskuje placene oslavne clanky na nejvetsiho znecisovatele pro zidenice a ostatni MC. Je skvely, kdyz se starosta nestara.
Mayor Mrazek would sell his own mother for money, and if not, he would at least print paid celebratory articles on the biggest polluters for the Zidenice and other MCs. It's great when the mayor doesn't care.

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