Usedlost Pernikářka

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Contact Usedlost Pernikářka

Address :

Na Pernikářce 59/15, 160 00 Praha 6-Dejvice, Czechia

Categories :
City : Praha 6 Dejvice

Na Pernikářce 59/15, 160 00 Praha 6-Dejvice, Czechia
Олександр Гуленко on Google

Отличный тихий райончик.
Great quiet area.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Usedlost Pernikářka vznikla pravděpodobně ve stejnou dobu, jako sousední kaple sv. Michala, tedy v letech 1691–1700. Její současný vzhled ovlivnila pozdně klasicistní přestavba z roku 1861 a pozdější úpravy. Parcela vznikla postupným spojením sedmi vinic. Vinice i usedlost dostaly jméno po Václavu Doležalovi, perníkáři na Starém Městě pražském, který pozemky zdědil po své ovdovělé matce roku 1656. Současný rozsáhlý areál je celý ohrazený a byl tvořen několika budovami, obytným stavením, stodolou a hospodářskými objekty. Z památkově chráněného komplexu zbylo po zásahu majitele jen torzo. The Pernikářka homestead was probably built at the same time as the neighboring chapel of St. Michal, ie in the years 1691–1700. Its present appearance was influenced by the late Classicist reconstruction from 1861 and later modifications. The plot was formed by the gradual joining of seven vineyards. The vineyards and homestead were named after Václav Doležal, a gingerbread man in the Old Town of Prague, who inherited the lands from his widowed mother in 1656. The current extensive complex is entirely enclosed and consisted of several buildings, residential buildings, barns and farm buildings. Only a torso of the protected complex remains after the owner's intervention.
The Pernikářka homestead was probably established at the same time as the neighboring chapel of St. Michal, ie in the years 1691–1700. Its current appearance was influenced by the late Classicist reconstruction from 1861 and later modifications. The plot was created by the gradual merging of seven vineyards. The vineyard and homestead were named after Václav Doležal, a gingerbread maker in Prague's Old Town, who inherited the land from his widowed mother in 1656. The current large area is completely fenced and consisted of several buildings, a residential building, a barn and farm buildings. Only a torso remained from the listed complex after the owner's intervention. The Pernikářka homestead was probably built at the same time as the neighboring chapel of St. Michal, ie in the years 1691–1700. Its present appearance was influenced by the late Classicist reconstruction from 1861 and later modifications. The plot was formed by the gradual joining of seven vineyards. The vineyards and homestead were named after Václav Doležal, a gingerbread man in the Old Town of Prague, who inherited the lands from his widowed mother in 1656. The current extensive complex is entirely enclosed and consisted of several buildings, residential buildings, barns and farm buildings. Only a torso of the protected complex remains after the owner's intervention.

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