Zámek Kolín

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Contact Zámek Kolín

Address :

Sokolská 1095, 280 02 Kolín, Czechia

Categories :
City : Kolín

Sokolská 1095, 280 02 Kolín, Czechia
Peter Pikela on Google

skoda tech komunistu a devastace nasi zeme a pamatek...snad se brzy povede kvalitne opravit
shame tech communist and the devastation of our country and memory ... hopefully will soon be repaired well
Katarína Goliášová on Google

Neviem, ale nejak ma nezaujal... možno je to tým, že ani nevyzera ako zámek, skoro sme ho prehlidli...ale opravuje sa, to je plus. ?
I don't know, but somehow I wasn't interested ... maybe it's because it doesn't even look like a castle, we almost overlooked it ... but it's being repaired, that's a plus. ?
Ludmila Jandova on Google

Zámek je postupně opravován a vypadá čím dál lépe.
The lock is being gradually repaired and looks better and better.
Jaroslava Ďurišová on Google

Je pěkný,je starý,ale můj názor- mělo by se s ním něco udělat,aby stal ještě několik let
He's nice, he's old, but my opinion - something should be done to him to become a few more years
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Malý gotický hrad byl postaven v r. 1437 husitským hejtmanem a knězem Bedřichem ze Strážnice na troskách kláštera vypáleného husity. Stavitelem byl mistr Petr - jeden z nejstarších stavitelů hradů v České republice, kterého známe jménem. Hrad v Kolíně je navíc jediným ze známých hradů husitských hejtmanů, který byl založen ve městě. Bohužel je v současné době v zuboženém stavu. Od roku 2000 probíhá postupná a pomalá rehabilitace celého areálu zámku, tak snad se můžeme těšit na další zajímavou památku. The small Gothic castle was built in 1437 by the Hussite chieftain and priest Bedřich of Strážnice on the ruins of a monastery burned by the Hussites. The master was Petr - one of the oldest castle builders in the Czech Republic, whom we know by name. The Cologne Castle is, moreover, the only known castle of Hussite heimans that was founded in the city. Unfortunately, he is currently in a very bad state. Since 2000 there has been a gradual and slow rehabilitation of the whole area of ​​the castle, so perhaps we can look forward to another interesting monument.
The small Gothic castle was built in 1437 by a Hussite governor and priest Bedřich of Strážnice on the ruins of a monastery burnt down by the Hussites. The builder was Master Petr - one of the oldest castle builders in the Czech Republic, whom we know by name. In addition, the castle in Cologne is the only known castle of the Hussite governors, which was founded in the city. Unfortunately, it is currently in a poor state. Since 2000, the gradual and slow rehabilitation of the entire chateau complex has been underway, so perhaps we can look forward to another interesting monument. The small Gothic castle was built in 1437 by the Hussite chieftain and priest Bedřich of Strážnice on the ruins of a monastery burned by the Hussites. The master was Petr - one of the oldest castle builders in the Czech Republic, whom we know by name. The Cologne Castle is, moreover, the only known castle of Hussite heimans that was founded in the city. Unfortunately, he is currently in a very bad state. Since 2000 there has been a gradual and slow rehabilitation of the whole area of ​​the castle, so perhaps we can look forward to another interesting monument.
Josef Sokolíček on Google

No teď mu daly novou fasadu tak už vypadá lépe
Well, now they gave him a new facade so it looks better
Marie Reznickova on Google

Na místě Kolínského zámku ve 13.století stávala část městského opevnění s raně gotickou Klášterskou bránou. Pravděpodobně se zde nacházel klášter dominikánů s kostelem P. MARIE, který je písemnými prameny poprvé připomínán v roce 1295, a roku 1421 byl zničen husity. Areál zámku se skládá z paláce a předzámčí. V suterénu se nacházejí rozlehlá pozdně gotická sklepení.
On the site of Kolín Castle in the 13th century, part of the city fortifications with the early Gothic Klášterská Gate stood. Probably there was a Dominican monastery with the church of P. MARIE, which is first mentioned in written sources in 1295, and in 1421 it was destroyed by the Hussites. The castle complex consists of a palace and a forecourt. In the basement there are large late Gothic cellars.
Зеник Кавулич on Google

Гарне історичне місце в м.Колін. Частина замку реставрована, можна пройтися і переглянути зовні. В іншій частині розміщені адміністративні органи міської влади м.Колін. Варто відвідати!
A beautiful historical place in Colin. Part of the castle has been restored, you can walk and see the outside. In the other part there are administrative bodies of the city authorities of Colin. Worth visiting!

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