Židovská Synagoga

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Contact Židovská Synagoga

Address :

Na Struze 124, Horní Předměstí, 541 01 Trutnov, Czechia

Categories :
City : Trutnov

Na Struze 124, Horní Předměstí, 541 01 Trutnov, Czechia
Marek S. on Google

Marcin Owczarek on Google

Eva Jordan on Google

Nádherné pietní místo upravené jako park v místech, kde stávala zdejší synagoga. Při pohledu na jeden jediný náhrobek s textem O BOŽE , O BOŽE, PROČ JSI NÁS OPUSTIL, hromadu kamení a zbytek oplocení, se mi derou slzy do očí. Nádherné místo, dvě lavičky na rozjímání a tichou vzpomínku. Templ neboli Trutnovská synagoga zde stála od roku 1882 do roku 1938, kdy byla vypálena nacisty. O velikosti synagogy svědčí počet míst - měla 176 sedadel pro muže a 120 míst na ženské galerii, její kopule byla jednou z dominant Trutnova.
A wonderful place of reverence as a park where the synagogue used to stand. Looking at one single tombstone with the text ABOUT GOD, ABOUT WHY YOU LEAVED US, a pile of stones and the rest of the fencing, tears in my eyes. Beautiful place, two benches for meditation and a quiet memory. The Temple or Trutnov Synagogue stood here from 1882 to 1938, when it was burned down by the Nazis. The size of the synagogue is evidenced by the number of seats - it had 176 seats for men and 120 seats in the women's gallery, its dome was one of the dominant features of Trutnov.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Místní synagoga stála stranou ulice Na Struze od roku 1885. Budově obdélníkového půdorysu o rozměrech 21 x 14 m dominovala na západě nad hlavním vchodem věž s kopulí. Uvnitř bylo 176 sedadel, určených pouze pro muže. 160 z nich bylo pronajato příslušníkům trutnovské židovské obce. Výtěžek z pronájmu sedadel šel na udržování synagogy. Zbylých 16 míst bylo vyhrazeno pro hosty. Po schodišti se dalo vystoupat na postranní balkony disponující 120 sedadly, vyhrazenými ženám. Do tohoto prostoru se vstupovalo točitým schodištěm. Interiér synagogy zdobil dřevěný oltář, kazatelna a dva umně provedené svícny s 24 rameny. Celý chrámový prostor ozařoval velký 24ramenný lustr se sto žárovkami. Náboženské obřady v synagoze zajišťoval až do roku 1938 trutnovský rabín. Synagoga sloužila svému účelu 53 let. Při tzv. Křišťálové noci z 9. na 10. listopadu 1938 byla nacisty zapálena a následně zbořena. The local synagogue stood on the side of the street "Na Struze" since 1885. The building with a rectangular ground plan measuring 21 x 14 m was dominated by a dome tower on the west above the main entrance. There were 176 men's seats inside, 160 of which were leased to members of the Trutnov Jewish community. Proceeds from renting the seats went to keep the synagogue maintained. The remaining 16 seats were reserved for guests. On the staircase you could climb the side balconies with 120 seats reserved for women. This space was entered through a spiral staircase. The interior of the synagogue was decorated with a wooden altar, a pulpit and two artificially made candlesticks with 24 arms. A large 24-arm chandelier with a hundred bulbs illuminated the entire temple space. Trutnov rabbi provided the religious ceremonies in the synagogue until 1938. The synagogue served its purpose for 53 years. During the so-called Crystal Night of 9 to 10 November 1938, the Nazis set it on fire and subsequently demolished it.
The local synagogue has stood on the side of Na Struze Street since 1885. The tower with a dome dominated the building with a rectangular floor plan measuring 21 x 14 m in the west above the main entrance. Inside were 176 seats for men only. 160 of them were leased to members of the Trutnov Jewish community. Proceeds from the rental of seats went to the maintenance of the synagogue. The remaining 16 seats were reserved for guests. It was possible to climb the stairs to the side balconies with 120 seats reserved for women. This area was entered by a spiral staircase. The interior of the synagogue was decorated with a wooden altar, a pulpit and two artfully made candlesticks with 24 arms. The entire temple space was illuminated by a large 24-arm chandelier with a hundred light bulbs. Until 1938, the rabbi of Trutnov provided religious ceremonies in the synagogue. The synagogue served its purpose for 53 years. During the so-called Crystal Night from November 9 to 10, 1938, it was set on fire by the Nazis and subsequently demolished. The local synagogue stood on the side of the street "Na Struze" since 1885. The building with a rectangular ground plan measuring 21 x 14 m was dominated by a dome tower on the west above the main entrance. There were 176 men's seats inside, 160 of which were leased to members of the Trutnov Jewish community. Proceeds from renting the seats went to keep the synagogue maintained. The remaining 16 seats were reserved for guests. On the staircase you could climb the side balconies with 120 seats reserved for women. This space was entered through a spiral staircase. The interior of the synagogue was decorated with a wooden altar, a pulpit and two artificially made candlesticks with 24 arms. A large 24-arm chandelier with a hundred bulbs illuminated the entire temple space. Trutnov rabbi provided the religious ceremonies in the synagogue until 1938. The synagogue served its purpose for 53 years. During the so-called Crystal Night of 9 to 10 November 1938, the Nazis set it on fire and its demolished it.

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