ZŠ Velké Přílepy-budova Pražská 38 - Pražská 38

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Contact ZŠ Velké Přílepy-budova Pražská 38

Address :

Pražská 38, 252 64 Velké Přílepy, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +99
Postal code : 252
Website : http://zsvelkeprilepy.cz/
Categories :
City : Velké Přílepy

Pražská 38, 252 64 Velké Přílepy, Czechia
Vojtech Mlynek on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

V centru obce Velké Přílepy probíhá výuka ve dvou takřka sousedících budovách. Základní škola s kapacitou 515 žáků s družinou a jídelnou pro 175 dětí se nachází poblíž autobusové točny. Základní umělecká škola se zaměřením na výuku hudebních, výtvarných, tanečních a literárně-dramatických oborů je oddělena ulicí Pražskou. U obou školních budov jsou zahrady, které slouží relaxaci žáků. U budovy Pražská 740 je multifunkční sportovní hřiště. In the center of the village of Velké Přílepy, lessons take place in two almost adjacent buildings. The primary school with a capacity of 515 pupils with a group and a dining room for 175 children is located near the bus turntable. The basic art school with a focus on teaching music, art, dance and literary-dramatic disciplines is separated by Pražská Street. Both school buildings have gardens that serve students to relax. There is a multifunctional sports field by the Pražská 740 building.
In the center of the village of Velké Přílepy, lessons take place in two almost adjacent buildings. The primary school with a capacity of 515 pupils with a group and a dining room for 175 children is located near the bus turntable. The basic art school with a focus on teaching music, art, dance and literary-dramatic disciplines is separated by Pražská Street. Both school buildings have gardens that serve students to relax. There is a multifunctional sports field near the Pražská 740 building. In the center of the village of Velké Přílepy, lessons take place in two almost adjacent buildings. The primary school with a capacity of 515 pupils with a group and a dining room for 175 children is located near the bus turntable. The basic art school with a focus on teaching music, art, dance and literary-dramatic disciplines is separated by Pražská Street. Both school buildings have gardens that serve students to relax. There is a multifunctional sports field by the Pražská 740 building.

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