Automont - Hloubětínská 1/38

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Pojedu autem

Z křižovatky Průmyslové a Poděbradské ulice dále po Poděbradské směrem na Černý Most. Hned na další světelné křižovatce vpravo, a cca 5 metrů od této křižovatky je vlevo vjezd do dvora.

Pojedu MHD

Metrem trasa B do stanice Hloubětín, výstup vpravo, po ulici Poděbradská zpět směr centrum. Po cca. 50ti metrech světelná křižovatka, na této křižovatce vlevo, a po cca.5ti metrech vlevo vjezd do dvora. Orientační bod v blízkosti: Restaurace "Na Staré Hospodě".

Contact Automont

Address :

Hloubětínská 1/38, 198 00 Praha 14, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +88
Postal code : 198
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha

Hloubětínská 1/38, 198 00 Praha 14, Czechia
Vojtěch Pavluch on Google

Seriózní jednání a dobře odvedená práce. Rozmezí ceny za doplnění klimatizace mi bylo předem sděleno a zůstalo to tak i po té, co vyšla najevo závada v kabeláži u kompresoru. Tu mi během hodiny pan automechanik spravil. Doporučuju.
Serious action and well done work. The price range for refilling the air conditioner was communicated to me in advance, and even after the defect in the compressor cabling came to light. The car mechanic did this to me within an hour. I recommend.
Ares Hamid Rakin on Google

Horsi servis jsem nezazil. URCITE SEM NEJEZDIT. Jsou to neprofesionalni, neschopni kutilove, kteri si otevreli servis a akorat s nimi lidi ztraci cas a je zde i risk, ze Vam ponici auto! Nic neumej, ani prezout auto.
I haven't seen a worse service. DETERMINE NOT TO DRIVE HERE. They are unprofessional, incompetent do-it-yourselfers who have opened a service and people are wasting their time with them and there is also a risk that your car will be damaged! Don't do anything, not even drive the car.
Milan Hanyš on Google

Dlouho jsem tam jezdil a byl jsem spokojen. Udělal jsem tam opravy za desítky tísic na několika autech. Po negativní zkušenosti bych ale už složitější věci kolem rozvodů bych raději řešil v autorizovaném servise. Chtěl jsem řešit únik oleje, přetěsnění, sundali hlavu, rozvody byly nové v pořádku, ale nezkontrolovali řemenici, která byla údajně nasákla olejem a vysmekla a zničila motor. Reklamaci uznat nechtěli, nakonec jsme se po mnoha ostrých telefonech domluvili, že zaplatím jen náhradní díly a práci provedou zadarmo. Udělali nové rozvody, přebrousili ventily. Nicméně v zimě se opět projevil poměrně masivní únik oleje. Dal jsem auto do autorizovaného servisu, kde se naplno ukázalo, že Automont opravu provedl velmi neodporně /nevhodná těsnění, nacpali tam mimo jiné nějaké hadry, aby sály olej.../.
I went there for a long time and I was satisfied. I made repairs there for tens of thousands on several cars. After a negative experience, I would rather solve the more complicated things around the distribution system in an authorized service. I wanted to deal with oil leaks, seals, took off my head, the wiring was new, but didn't check the pulley that was supposedly soaked in oil and slipped and destroyed the engine. We did not want to acknowledge the complaint, after many sharp phones we agreed to pay only spare parts and work will be free. They made new wiring, reground the valves. However, in winter, again, a massive oil leak occurred. I put the car in an authorized service, where it was fully revealed that Automont repaired it very inconspicuously / unsuitable gaskets, stuffed, among other things, some rags to suck oil ... /.
Karel Mandarinka on Google

Mám zkušenosti s několika autoservisy a Automont z nich je určitě nepříjemnější zkušenost. Po objednání se autu věnují hned a tak u drobných oprav je hotové buď odpoledne nebo druhý den. Nepřijde mi, že by se snažili tahat z lidí peníze. Po prohlídce zavolají verdikt a nabídnout možnosti. U staršího auta nevnucují nejdražší díly, ale doporučí i levnější kategorii. Někde si zase stojí za konkrétním dílem. Vše bylo vždy tak, jak se řeklo. Přemýšlí nad tím co dělají a auta znají. Nebyl ani problém s reklamací. U doplnění klimatizace zdarma kontroly pro ověření, že neuchází, únik pak nasvítí i před vámi. Díly berou od Auto Kelly, takže přibližnou cenu oprav si můžete odhadnout předem.
I have experience with several car repair shops and Automont of them is definitely the most unpleasant experience. After ordering, they dedicate to the car immediately, so for minor repairs is done either in the afternoon or the next day. I don't think they're trying to pull money out of people. After the tour call the verdict and offer options. For older cars do not impose the most expensive parts, but also recommend cheaper category. Somewhere he stands for a particular work. Everything was always the way it was said. They think about what they do and the cars they know. There was no problem with the complaint. When adding air conditioning free checks to verify that it is not running, the leak then lights up in front of you. Parts are taken from Auto Kelly, so you can estimate the cost of repairs in advance.
Team Baker Street on Google

Naše zkušenost s Automontem je bohužel velmi špatná. V létě jsme si zde nechali rutinně vyměnit olej a následně jsme vyrazili na dovolenou. U Brna začalo auto hlásit nedostatek oleje. Po zastavení jsme zespod auta viděli silně kapat tekutinu a věděli jsme, že je zle. Dolili jsme tedy olej a naštěstí dojeli do naší mezizastávky v Bratislavě, kde jsme museli rychle shánět servis. V něm zjistili, že během výměny oleje v Automontu bylo těsnění olejové nádrže špatně nasazeno (bylo zašroubováno v závitu!), což způsobilo, že veškerý obsah nádrže vytekl během jízdy (celý podvozek auta byl od oleje). Navíc nám řekli, že ani olej, který nám v Automontu dali, nebyl pro naše auto vhodný. Bohužel po této zkušenosti a třech tisících korunách vyhozených do povětří už do tohoto servisu nezavítáme.
Unfortunately, our experience with Automont is very bad. In the summer we had our oil changed routinely here and then we went on vacation. At Brno, the car began to report a lack of oil. After stopping, we saw a lot of liquid dripping from under the car and we knew it was bad. So we refilled the oil and fortunately we reached our intermediate stop in Bratislava, where we had to quickly look for service. In it, they found that during the oil change in Automont, the oil tank seal was incorrectly fitted (it was screwed in the thread!), Which caused all the contents of the tank to leak out while driving (the entire car chassis was free of oil). In addition, they told us that even the oil they gave us at Automont was not suitable for our car. Unfortunately, after this experience and three thousand crowns blown up, we will no longer visit this service.
jan palkovic on Google

Velmi ochotni a profesionální.jako bonus skvělé ceny. Doporučuji
Very helpful and professional. As a great price bonus. I recommend
KetNaTekkk Utek on Google

Super servis dali mi dohromady auto co vic jak pul rok stalo. V jinych servisech s tim co jsem privezl by mne poslali dop.... Automont se k tomu postavil profesionalne, veskere rozpocty se mnou resili v prubehu servisu, kvuli naviseni ceny mne volali s komunikaci nebyl nejmensi problem plus super sluzby navic auto mne umyli i kdyz bylo totalne zadelany. A celkove super cena za servis. Dal bych i vice hvezdicek, minuly rok jsme s nimi resil prezuti to byla take dobra zkusenost. Doporucuji (y)
Super service they put me together a car as much as half a year later. In other services with what I brought would send me in .... Automont stood up to it professionally, all budgets solved with me during the service, due to the price increase they called me with communication was not the least problem plus super services moreover the car also washed me when it was totally assigned. And overall a great price for service. I would give more stars, last year we solved with them, it was also a good experience. I recommend
Arcel Ejn on Google

Overall VERY bad experience! Liked: Easy acces, workers are nice and polite, people behind the desk who communicate with costumers are like until you agree with them. Prices for components are higher than average but they can get all you need. They allow you to bring your own spare parts. DON'T GET FOOLED AS ME BY THIER VERY KIND APPROACH WHICH MAKES YOU TRUST THEM. DISLIKED: when you disagree with them they start to be immediately very impolite. They destroyed plastic part holding the hood and did not tell me about it. If it was not that we opened the hood there and me to notice that I would have to pay for it. They destroyed part while "repairing" which cost 250€ and destroys electronic device for 50€ claiming this is the reason of the problem which I have. After three unsuccessful visits I went elsewhere. Reason for the problem was immediately identified and repaired. It was also there identified that these extra parts were destroyed by someone. Repair which could cost me 150€ euro costed me 500€ euro extra thanks to them. I DON'T RECOMMEND going there, only if you understand what needs to be done and you are able to check whether they destroyed any other parts or not.

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