Baby studio

3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Baby studio

Address :

Svobody 972/41, 350 02 Cheb, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8
Categories :
City : Cheb

Svobody 972/41, 350 02 Cheb, Czechia
Juli Bodor on Google

UŽ 20 let navštěvují tuhle prodejnu a maximálně spokojenost ❤ je vidět že někteří ani Pani Dvořakovou neznají dyl,( dle komentáře po prvé a naposledy a soudím .? ) dříve jsem zde nakupoval pro děti veškeré vybavení ✌ ted posílám jen balíky a to skoro každý den ! a nikdy nebyla nepříjemná aneb hrubá? Už vůbec ne !! Jedna z mála podnikající na Chebsku je uz snad řadu let a to svědčí za vše!! Pro mě zůstává vždy dobře naladena komunikativní a milá paní ❤?
They have been visiting this store for 20 years and they are extremely satisfied ❤ it can be seen that some people do not even know Mrs. Dvořáková (according to the comments for the first and last time and I judge. ! and has it never been unpleasant or rude? Not at all !! One of the few doing business in the Cheb region has been around for many years and that testifies to everything !! For me, a communicative and kind lady always remains in a good mood
Jane Frank on Google

Neprijemna majitelka obchodu. Stara pani, ktera nezvlada praci s balicky a je velice hadava absolutne bez duvodu. Pote, co jsem predlozila balicek na poslani mi zacala rikat, ze je spatne zabaleny a slabe vytisteny kod, namitla jsem, ze zabaleno je to jako vzdy a v poradku (pozdeji na poste mi ho vzali bez problemu), kod se da dopsat, to tvrdila, ze nejde, pritom predtim nam to naopak navrhovala. Zacala na mne hystericky kricet, vubec jsem nechapala.Kdyz jsem ji rekla, ze by se mela uklidnit, ze se chova neadekvatne, zacala se vysmivat, rekla jsem, ze si budu stezovat,rekla, ze jsem jedina, kdo neni spokojeny, ze si jeste nikdo nestezoval.Tady vidim,ze lhala,take o ni lide v Chebu rikaji,ze je zla a neprijemna a bavi se jen se stejne starymi duchodci a na mlade je zla.Nastesti jsou uz dalsi zasilkovny v Chebu jinde,tak doporucuju se podivat radeji tam,za ty hystericke sceny a negativni pristup to nestoji. Mimochodem,balicek odmitla prevzit stejne mela problemy i zpocatku,nevedela, jak prevzit balicek do ciziny, vzdycky u toho byla hystericka,kdyz pak zjistila,ze jen prejede scannerem kod a je to, tak koukala jako "suva z nudli".Obcas jsme k ni ale chodili,protoze to bylo blizko,ale uz toho ma clovek dost a fakt to nema cenu, kdyz jinde je to v poradku.
Unpleasant shop owner. An old lady who can't work with balers and is very snake with absolutely no reason. After I presented the package on the mission, she started telling me that the code was poorly packaged and poorly printed, I objected that it was packaged as always and in order (they took it to me without any problems later on the post), the code can be written, it she claimed that it was not possible, while before that she had suggested it to us. She started screaming at me hysterically, I didn't understand at all. When I told her that she should calm down, that she behaved inadequately, she started laughing, I said that I would be tracking, she said that I was the only one who was not satisfied that you No one has complained yet. Here I see that she lied, also people in Cheb say about her that she is evil and unpleasant and has fun only with the same old retirees and there is evil in the young. I'd rather be there, it's not worth the hysterical scenes and negative attitude. By the way, she refused to take over the package as well she had problems at the beginning, she didn't know how to take the package abroad, she was always hysterical when she found out that she would just go through the code scanner and that's it, so she looked like a "noodle slice". but they went because it was close, but you already have enough of it and it really has no value when it's okay elsewhere.
Miloslav Vachek on Google

Paní majitelka je hodně milá paní,. Za mě můžu říci,že co jsem potřeboval, bylo vyhověno. Můj nejmilejší obchod v Chebu ?☝️
The owner is a very nice lady. For me, I can say that what I needed was satisfied. My favorite shop in Cheb ?☝️
Hana Suková on Google

Lidé co zde píší asi neví, že zmíněná babička co zde prodává je zavalená balíky, kvůli frontě od reverzní do zavření( když nepočítám po-st kdy je otevřeno o hodinu dřív a první hodina jde), nemá čas ani se napít natož najíst. Chudák tahá velké balíky a mohu se zaručit, že je mladá paní opravdu je moc milá. :) Když se nevěnuje zrovna těm balíkům, o kterým jde 90% zákazníků, je skvělá prodavačka zboží co nabízí obchod a do své práce dává srdce. Což určitě potvrdí nejedna maminka, jak jsem si již všimla. :) Vřele doporučuji.
People who write here probably don't know that the mentioned grandmother who sells here is overwhelmed with packages, due to the queue from reverse to closing (if I don't count Mon-Wed when it's open an hour earlier and the first hour goes), she doesn't have time to drink, let alone eat. The poor man pulls big packages and I can guarantee that the young lady is really very nice. :) When it is not dedicated to the packages that 90% of customers are concerned about, a great saleswoman is the goods offered by the store and puts her heart into her work. Which will surely be confirmed by many mothers, as I have already noticed. :) I warmly recommend.
Kateřina Wild on Google

Super krámek...moc milá paní co to vlastní...pohybuje se v oboru již 27let...jen tak dál a hlavně vydržet... velké řetězce tyto drobné podnikatele spíše likvidují...abych nezapomněla je tam i zásilkovna...
Super shop ... very nice lady who owns it ... she has been working in the field for 27 years ... just keep going and especially lasting ... big chains rather liquidate these small entrepreneurs ... so that I don't forget the mailroom there .. .
Lea Pavlovic on Google

Přestala jsem si tam cokoliv objednávat, poněvadž paní ,která to vydává je neskutečně nepříjemná a arogantní.
I stopped ordering anything there because the lady who publishes it is incredibly annoying and arrogant.
Pavel Janča on Google

Absolutní nespokojenost. Pokud se nechcete nechat vytočit místní obsluhou, tak si najděte jinou zásilkovnu. Já už tak učinil.
Absolute dissatisfaction. If you do not want to be dialed by local staff, find another mailing house. I've already done so.
Nikol Staňkova on Google


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